A serial is a publication issued in successive parts, bearing numerical or chronological designations, at regular or irregular intervals and intended to continue indefinitely. It includes periodicals, newspapers, magazines, bulletins, newsletters, annuals, journals, proceedings of societies, and other similar works.
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| - Serial (popularnie zwany tasiemcem) – element systemu Babilonu. Ma on na celu ogłupianie i wpajanie obojętności. Widzowie seriali często są albo osobami na emeryturze, albo 40-latkami z nieudanym życiem (oglądają seriale po to by uwierzyć, że może być lepiej). Seriale są bardzo potrzebne:
* Stacjom telewizyjnym po to by zdobyć oglądalność i zarobić kokosy na reklamach (ponieważ nikt już nie płaci abonamentu);
* Rządowi, by otumanić społeczeństwo i bezpiecznie podnosić ceny żywności, nie obawiając się strajków i bojkotów hipermarketów.
- A serial is a publication issued in successive parts, bearing numerical or chronological designations, at regular or irregular intervals and intended to continue indefinitely. It includes periodicals, newspapers, magazines, bulletins, newsletters, annuals, journals, proceedings of societies, and other similar works.
- A serial was a type of film with many chapters that were shown individually. Tom Paris' The Adventures of Captain Proton holoprogram was based on an old science fiction serial. (VOY: "Shattered")
- Nick and Schanke investigate a series of murders whose victims are exsanguinated—and not by vampires.
- The 1963 version of Doctor Who was produced exclusively in a serial format, each serial having between two and fourteen episodes. Each season had between four and nine serials. Except for the majority of the William Hartnell era, the title of each episode was merely the name of the overall serial, with the episode number appended. Thus, during this era of Doctor Who, the terms "serial" and "story" were synonymous. Each story of The Sarah Jane Adventures with the exception of Invasion of the Bane is also a serial, consisting of two parts each.
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| - The 1963 version of Doctor Who was produced exclusively in a serial format, each serial having between two and fourteen episodes. Each season had between four and nine serials. Except for the majority of the William Hartnell era, the title of each episode was merely the name of the overall serial, with the episode number appended. Thus, during this era of Doctor Who, the terms "serial" and "story" were synonymous. The serial format has been largely abandoned by the BBC Wales version of the program, although some serials, like Dreamland, The Infinite Quest and The End of Time have been produced. Other multi-part stories have been produced, but the production team have been reluctant to return to a numerical naming convention. Likewise, several second parts of stories haven't been set immediately after their first parts, thereby breaking the convention of serial storytelling. The term "serial" is therefore rarely used to describe anything produced by BBC Wales. In current parlance, "episode" is usually synonymous with "story" and multi-part stories are called "two-parters", "three-parters" and so forth. Each story of The Sarah Jane Adventures with the exception of Invasion of the Bane is also a serial, consisting of two parts each.
- Serial (popularnie zwany tasiemcem) – element systemu Babilonu. Ma on na celu ogłupianie i wpajanie obojętności. Widzowie seriali często są albo osobami na emeryturze, albo 40-latkami z nieudanym życiem (oglądają seriale po to by uwierzyć, że może być lepiej). Seriale są bardzo potrzebne:
* Stacjom telewizyjnym po to by zdobyć oglądalność i zarobić kokosy na reklamach (ponieważ nikt już nie płaci abonamentu);
* Rządowi, by otumanić społeczeństwo i bezpiecznie podnosić ceny żywności, nie obawiając się strajków i bojkotów hipermarketów.
- A serial is a publication issued in successive parts, bearing numerical or chronological designations, at regular or irregular intervals and intended to continue indefinitely. It includes periodicals, newspapers, magazines, bulletins, newsletters, annuals, journals, proceedings of societies, and other similar works.
- A serial was a type of film with many chapters that were shown individually. Tom Paris' The Adventures of Captain Proton holoprogram was based on an old science fiction serial. (VOY: "Shattered")
- Nick and Schanke investigate a series of murders whose victims are exsanguinated—and not by vampires.