| - Jiva es un servidor
- Jiva est le premier serveur de Dofus a exister.
- Jiva is a server.
- Jiva was the first Dofus server. The primary language of the userbase is French. See for a list of Guilds on this server.
- Jīva: life, vital principle, individual soul. 'Soul life and body are identical' and 'Soul and body are different', these two frequently quoted wrong views fall under the 2 kinds of personality-belief sakkāya-ditthi see: ditthi i.e. the first one under the annihilation-belief uccheda-ditthi and the second under the eternity-belief sassata-ditthi.
- Aust. Aboriginal - 'seed power' A bioneering company based in Casablanca, operating out of the Seshadri Industries building. JIVA is owned by WATI, but run by Helena Chang. Like WATI, JIVA is a company whose title is spelled with all capitals, but does not appear to be an acronym. Given the evident but unexplained connection between Chang and Gabriel Castillo, as well as the apparently Indian names of both JIVA and Seshadri, it has been suggested that the mysterious "personal business" Gabriel told Zoë he would be conducting in Bombay may have had something to do with Chang and/or JIVA.
| - Aust. Aboriginal - 'seed power' A bioneering company based in Casablanca, operating out of the Seshadri Industries building. JIVA is owned by WATI, but run by Helena Chang. Like WATI, JIVA is a company whose title is spelled with all capitals, but does not appear to be an acronym. For reasons as yet unknown, JIVA created Faith as part of an experiment. The details and genesis of this experiment are unknown, but when it was concluded Helena wanted Faith to be placed in foster care. JIVA's parent company WATI, however, had other plans: they used Faith as a test-subject for their Morpheus drug, increasing her dosage until she died of an overdose and heart failure. It seems that WATI's managment had decided to liquidate their subsidiary, because when Zoë Castillo travels there to meet Helena she is confronted by Sela and Kano. As Sela is found tinkering with the computer at the reception desk, it is possible they were also downloading and wiping the lab's mainframes, or looking for the information Chang passed on to Reza Temiz via the data cube. They trap Chang in a lab and try to gas her, presumably after an unsuccessful interrogation. When she speaks to Zoë at the end of the game, Chang says she wants revenge for what WATI has done; not only to Faith but to JIVA and Chang herself. Given the evident but unexplained connection between Chang and Gabriel Castillo, as well as the apparently Indian names of both JIVA and Seshadri, it has been suggested that the mysterious "personal business" Gabriel told Zoë he would be conducting in Bombay may have had something to do with Chang and/or JIVA. In the twitch.tv Dreamfall playthrough, Ragnar said "Everything with Jiva is linked… it’s fun to research it actually. Yeah, it’s linked to aboriginal mythology.. to the idea of dreamtime, and dreamtime is of course linked to the idea of Storytime (...) Take it from there, go research. This is central to again the whole mythology of the TLJ universe, so check it out!" In central Australian Aboriginal myth, features of the landscape were shaped by mythic events. The lasting effects of these events were cause by the deposit of jiva or 'seed power' planted there. This is also used to refer to the creative power of human seed.
- Jiva es un servidor
- Jiva est le premier serveur de Dofus a exister.
- Jiva is a server.
- Jiva was the first Dofus server. The primary language of the userbase is French. See for a list of Guilds on this server.
- Jīva: life, vital principle, individual soul. 'Soul life and body are identical' and 'Soul and body are different', these two frequently quoted wrong views fall under the 2 kinds of personality-belief sakkāya-ditthi see: ditthi i.e. the first one under the annihilation-belief uccheda-ditthi and the second under the eternity-belief sassata-ditthi.