| - Black is a racial, political, sociological or cultural classification of people. No people are literally coloured black, but many people who have dark skin colour are conventionally considered to be so. Some assert that only people of relatively recent African descent are black, while others argue that black may refer to individuals with dark skin colour, regardless of ethnic origin.
- they are black. they are not white. watch out or they will shoot you!
- Black People are people of African, Afro-Caribbean, Melanesian, Australian Aboriginal, or Fuegian origin. As none of these people are truly "black" (actually, Europeans aren't really "white"; Asians aren't really "yellow"; and Native Americans certainly aren't "red") this is kind of a redundant term.
- Black people or blacks is a racial, political, sociological or cultural classification of people. No people are literally black, but many people who have dark skin color are considered black. A variety of sociopolitical and biological factors are used to define categories of black people. Some assert that only people of relatively recent African descent are black, while others argue that black may refer to individuals with dark skin color regardless of ethnic origin, e.g. the native populations of Australia, Melanesia, and certain cultures within India.
- Black people or blacks is a racial, political, sociological or cultural classification of people. No people are literally black, but many people who have dark skin color are considered black. A variety of sociopolitical and biological factors are used to define categories of black people. Some assert that only people of relatively recent African descent are black, while others argue that black may refer to individuals with dark skin color regardless of ethnic origin.
| - Black people or blacks is a racial, political, sociological or cultural classification of people. No people are literally black, but many people who have dark skin color are considered black. A variety of sociopolitical and biological factors are used to define categories of black people. Some assert that only people of relatively recent African descent are black, while others argue that black may refer to individuals with dark skin color regardless of ethnic origin, e.g. the native populations of Australia, Melanesia, and certain cultures within India. Through to the institution of slavery, over the course of centuries, blacks were taken from Africa and brought to the Americas, including North and South America and the Caribbean, where they were used as unskilled and disposable manpower for menial work. In the United States, the institution of slavery proved to be a substantial wedge in the country, as the northern states gradually outlawed slavery, while many states in the south fought for its continued existence. The conflict eventually left the political arena and became a factor in the armed conflict that began in 1861. As a consequence of the American Civil War, slavery was ended and blacks became American citizens. However, the process painful, and the rights of citizenship were not equally extended and uniformly enforced.
- Black is a racial, political, sociological or cultural classification of people. No people are literally coloured black, but many people who have dark skin colour are conventionally considered to be so. Some assert that only people of relatively recent African descent are black, while others argue that black may refer to individuals with dark skin colour, regardless of ethnic origin.
- Black People are people of African, Afro-Caribbean, Melanesian, Australian Aboriginal, or Fuegian origin. As none of these people are truly "black" (actually, Europeans aren't really "white"; Asians aren't really "yellow"; and Native Americans certainly aren't "red") this is kind of a redundant term. In the past, Black people were discriminated against very badly by a whole bunch of dickheads. Thankfully, this is less of a problem today, because of such people as Martin Luther King Jr, Abraham Lincoln, Steve Biko, Nelson Mandela, and William Wilberforce - to name just a few. However, racism is still very common in America; it'd just no longer explicitly written into the law.
- Black people or blacks is a racial, political, sociological or cultural classification of people. No people are literally black, but many people who have dark skin color are considered black. A variety of sociopolitical and biological factors are used to define categories of black people. Some assert that only people of relatively recent African descent are black, while others argue that black may refer to individuals with dark skin color regardless of ethnic origin. Due to the institution of slavery, over the course of centuries, blacks were taken from Africa and brought to the Americas, including North and South America and the Caribbean, where they were used as unskilled and disposable manpower for menial work. In the United States, the institution of slavery proved to be a substantial wedge in the country, as the northern states gradually outlawed slavery, while many states in the south fought for its continued existence. The conflict eventually left the political arena and became a factor in the armed conflict that began in 1861. As a consequence of the American Civil War, slavery was ended and blacks became American citizens. However, the process was painful, and the rights of citizenship were not equally extended and uniformly enforced.
- they are black. they are not white. watch out or they will shoot you!