| - Ebor – człowiek, dowódca grupy strażników z Brethilu.
- Ebor was the son of Meleth and Agathora, and brother to Manthor, his lord, and Hunthor.
- Ebor was a male Hutt that died prior to the hunt for Ziro during the Clone Wars. He was the eldest and favorite son of Mama the Hutt, the brother of Ziro, the uncle of the infamous Jabba, and the great-uncle of Rotta and Gorga.
- Ebor along with Dagr were one of the two men who participated in the tournament at Camelot so that they could have their revenge on Arthur Pendragon for their humiliation in Mary's tavern. In order to do this, they killed Sir Ethan and Sir Oswald and took their appearance using Blood crystals, so they could participate in the tournament which would give them the opportunity and a cover for killing Arthur. However, before they could kill Arthur, he and Dagr were both killed by Gwaine and Arthur (Gwaine).
- Ebor egy hutt volt, Mama Hutt fia, Ziro, Pazda, Zorba és Jiliac bátyja. Távol tartotta magát Zirotól, de jó kapcsolata volt az anyjával a Nal Huttan. YE 21-ben húnyt el tragikusan, ezzel a másodikkén a családban apja után, ami miatt anyja megtört.
- [Source] Ebor était un Hutt et le frère de Ziro Desilijic Tiure. Il est mort à une date inconnue précédant la Guerre des Clones.
- Ebor era un Hutt, hijo de Mamá y hermano mayor de Ziro, Pazda, Zorba y Jiliac. No tenía muy buena relación con Ziro, pero sí tenía una gran conexión con su madre, que residía en Nal Hutta. Murió alrededor del 22 ABY.
- Ebor was a Hutt, the son of Mama the Hutt and elder brother of Ziro the Hutt, Pazda, Zorba, and Jiliac. He was distant from Ziro, but had a good relationship with his mother on Nal Hutta. Some time, many decades before the Clone Wars, Ebor died tragically, being the second male in his immediate family, the first being his father, to die, leaving his mother devastated. He died in 21 BBY.