| - In many shows, mostly those made for kids, any scene showing the characters biking, "scootering", skating, or doing anything similar, one thing that won't be left at home is a bicycle helmet. The only time a character will go sans helmet is in a Very Special Episode about wearing your bicycle helmet, and/or show where the characters Can't Get Away with Nuthin', where said character will either A. Get caught by the parents, or B. get into an accident that results in an injury that could have been prevented if they had worn said helmet. Examples of Fantasy Helmet Enforcement include:
| - In many shows, mostly those made for kids, any scene showing the characters biking, "scootering", skating, or doing anything similar, one thing that won't be left at home is a bicycle helmet. The only time a character will go sans helmet is in a Very Special Episode about wearing your bicycle helmet, and/or show where the characters Can't Get Away with Nuthin', where said character will either A. Get caught by the parents, or B. get into an accident that results in an injury that could have been prevented if they had worn said helmet. Knee and elbow pads can also appear in this trope, although not as frequently. This trope can also contribute to a good amount of Fridge Logic in situations in which time is a priority, or during quick transitions of little time, yet the characters find time to strap on safety gear. While there is nothing wrong with wearing a helmet, generally in Real Life, many people bike around without helmets, and don't usually find themselves getting in accidents caused by the wrath of helmet gods for not wearing any gear. Ditto for skating and other activities. Helmet laws do exist however, not necessarily for bikes, but much more often for motorcycles. However, Moral Guardians wouldn't want their kids thinking if their favorite TV character doesn't wear a helmet, then why should they, thus, no head goes without a helmet. It should also be noted, at least according to this site, that nobody really wore helmets as much as they do now until The Nineties. Ironically, accidents went up, because people believed if you wore a helmet, you were guaranteed safe from any accident. Face it, while a helmet does have some protective value, it's not going to make you invincible. Examples of Fantasy Helmet Enforcement include: