| - A transcript is a retrospective written record of dialogue, and like a script (a prospective record) may include other scene information such as props or actions. In the case of a transcript of a film or television episode, ideally it is a verbatim record. Because closed-captioning is usually written separately, its text may have errors and does not necessarily reflect the true Canonical transcript. [opening Lost theme] Kris White: Welcome back to the Official Lost Podcast. In this installment, executive producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse discuss the long awaited Sawyer episode entitled "The Long Con," which airs this Wednesday, February 8th from 9 to 10pm Eastern. First though, we present a special interview with Evangeline Lilly, who plays the alluring and enduring Kate. [soundtrack music] Kris White: For Evangeline Lilly, Lost represents her breakout part. Discovered during casting in Canada, the role literally changed her life. But as we discovered, you can take the girl out of Canada, but the accent never goes away, eh? [clip of Kate apologizing to Jack in "The Hunting Party"] Evangeline Lilly: Oh my goodness, the first audition that I did was up in Vancouver, and I put myself on tape, and that tape was sent to Los Angeles. And I actually- It's terrible to say, but I was auditioning for pilot season at the time, and it was probably my 20, 25th-ish, somewhere around there, audition, and when I got the call from my agent saying they want to fly you to L.A. and they want to do a reading with the producers and the studio and the network, which is basically skipping all callbacks, skipping every process that you're supposed to go through in an audition process and just going right to the very end. I was flabbergasted because I had left the audition room, putting myself on tape, and I had said to the casting director at the time, "I can't for the life of me figure this character out. I can't nail her. I can't get her down." And she said, "Well, why don't you try this?" And we tried a bunch of things together, and both of us eventually threw our hands in air and went, "Ah, who knows?" And it just was the only time I'd ever left an audition room not thinking, "Man, I nailed it." The only time that I walked away and thought never in a million years would I hear from those people. And then it turned out that that was the one I got. I was in my apartment in the small town I lived in near Vancouver. And I never get excited. I'm the most unexcitable person, and it really- actually kind of tragic because my father and my sisters are very excitable, and they get really amped up over things, and I tend to stay pretty cool and mellow and don't really get very excited. But I was bouncing off of the walls. I was jumping up and down on my bed and like running around my apartment practically screaming, not quite but just giddy, and I couldn't believe how excited I was over it because at that point, I was still saying to myself, I may not like this, I may not want to do this as a career. But just the prospect of it maybe potentially working out of it maybe becoming what it actually is today was really exciting. Kris White: Evangeline has since settled into her job, but that doesn't mean she's not facing new challenges. One of those, for her, is blocking the following scene from "Collision." [clip of Kate telling Sawyer to swallow the pill in "Collision"] Evangeline Lilly: Man, that was- The hardest part of that scene was blocking that scene, trying to get the three of us into basically a child-sized bunk bed, on the bottom half of the bunk bed plus camera equipment plus lighting. What was interesting, and in the end, what happened was, we started out where Matthew Fox sits down beside Josh, and then I come in, and he says, "Hold him up." And I sat on top of Josh, straddling him and lifted him frontways towards me, and I really felt like it was starting to look like a pornographic threesome, it was terrible! And I just thought, "This doesn't work!" Somehow, the intimacy and the sweetness of the scene and all the beautiful dynamics that are going on are completely negated by the fact that I'm straddling Sawyer [laughs]. So we ended up finding another way, and I was able to crawl in behind him which ended up being much more realistic, but it's amazing how you can be in these scenes, and you're blocking them, and you're trying to work out the physicality of them, and for some reason, what would naturally occur doesn't come to you. You know, you don't naturally think oh, I would climb behind him and I would support him that way, but I'm pretty positive in a regular situation, were a doctor to say, you know, "Prop this person up," that's probably what I would do. So in the end, I think it worked out, but yeah, there was- [laughs] It was a struggle to get there. Kris White: Of course the key question is: Where does she think the Jack-Sawyer love triangle is headed? Evangeline Lilly: [nervous laugh] I don't want to tell because I'm afraid I'll be right. I feel like the actors that we don't know the answers, you know, we are in the heartbeat and the pulse of the show. I mean, we're living and breathing it everyday, so I think the writers are so intuitive and so good at what they do that as a human you can instinctually feel where things are heading. So I don't really want to say where I think it might be going. But I will say that there is a very significant twist in that plot coming up very soon in Sawyer's flashback episode, which I think should be absolutely fantastic. The directors do an amazing job, and Josh Holloway is just, you know, he's just shining. I think that of the people who I started working with, he's one of the people I've been the most impressed with how greatly he's grown and learnt and just been absolutely stunning everyone with his performances. Kris White: Pressed further, this is all we could get out of her. Evangeline Lilly: I think if you expect Kate to make a definitive decision this season, you're wishing for something that may not come about! I don't see Kate making decisions that are definitive about love anytime in the near future, which I am so grateful for because Kate in- if you look at her life in her flashbacks, she spent so many years running from people and being definitive about only one thing and that's herself, that to turn around and just decide to commit to a man she's known for, you know, 60 days would be completely unrealistic, I think. Kris White: Well, that's all the time we have with Evangeline for now. Join us next podcast as we continue the conversation and discover that she used to be and still is somewhat of a cigar aficionado. Now though, it's time for the D.C. radio hour as we turn it over to our hosts Damon and Carlton to discuss "The Long Con." Carlton Cuse: Hello, and welcome to another delightful Lost podcast. I'm Carlton Cuse. Damon Lindelof: I'm so excited about this. I'm Damon Lindelof. Carlton Cuse: Hello, Damon. Damon Lindelof: I feel like we should say, "And we are..." and then come up with some kind of... Carlton Cuse: "We are the producers of Lost." Damon Lindelof: Yes, exciting. Carlton Cuse: So, I guess we're gonna start today with a little rehash about "Fire Plus Water." Would you like to talk a little bit about what happened in last week's story, Damon? Damon Lindelof: Uh, yes, I think we actually- we had a rerun there, sorry about that guys, but, you know, we make the show as fast as we can. But just to sort of catch you up, you know, in this episode, we basically saw Charlie struggling again with his heroin addiction and ultimately, he's sort of plagued by these rather vivid and intense dreams that he believes -- after talking to Mr. Eko -- are telling him that he needs to baptize Aaron, Claire's baby, and he takes sort of very, you know, conclusive and decisive action in doing such, and in the end of the story, Aaron is baptized, but at great sort of personal loss to Charlie. And more importantly, Locke has sort of emerged as a protector of the baby, and we see something in Locke that we have not seen for a very long time, and in some degree have not seen at all, which is that he has a little bit of a temper flare-up and... Carlton Cuse: Capable of a little violence. Damon Lindelof: Capable of a little violence there, so I'm kinda curious what that's all about 'cause it seemed very un-Locke-ian to me. Carlton Cuse: Well, I think that, you know, Locke is experiencing a certain amount of frustration in his existence being down in the hatch and pushing the button and not feeling that the Island is giving him maybe enough of a sign in terms of what he needs to do, and he has sort of become the prisoner of the thing that he felt was going to liberate him perhaps. Damon Lindelof: And he's gonna take that out on Charlie? Carlton Cuse: Well... Damon Lindelof: It's not his fault. [Carlton chuckles] Carlton Cuse: And, you know, he's- There is a developing interest with Claire, and I think that he is feeling very protective of the baby and Claire, and maybe it is- maybe there's something important to learn in the fact that Locke does seem to be capable of violence. I mean, we saw him in anger management group, didn't we? Damon Lindelof: We did. We did. Carlton Cuse: Yes. Damon Lindelof: Obviously, it was not as effective as one would hope. Carlton Cuse: Apparently not. Damon Lindelof: There were a couple of little Easter eggs that we hid in that episode, you know, I think we sort of teased the audience in a previous podcast that there'd be some signage on the building in the scene following the diaper commercial. Carlton Cuse: Those of you who are avid Pink Floyd fans might recognize that building across the other side of the Thames River there. Damon Lindelof: We took out the floating pig though 'cause that would have been a little obvious. Carlton Cuse: Yeah, well, you know, we try to be subtle. But there was- actually there is- if you stop and I don't even know whether you can see it, but there is supposed to be a little sign there on the back of the building which ended up sort of turning out much smaller than we had anticipated in the final cut that says Widmore Construction on it. Damon Lindelof: Yeah, that would be W-I-D-M-O-R-E, which is seemingly fairly innocuous but, you know, I would write it down for those of you who are assembling clues. Carlton Cuse: Exactly. So that's something that, you know, you'll hear more about Widmore- the Widmore company in the future, don't you think? Damon Lindelof: Is that the same as the Hanso Foundation or the DHARMA Initiative? Carlton Cuse: It's not the same as the Hanso Foundation. Damon Lindelof: I'm intrigued. Carlton Cuse: But it could be related to the Hanso Foundation. Damon Lindelof: I've never been so, you know, emotionally wrapped up in construction before now. [Carlton chuckles] Carlton Cuse: But that was a very- that Easter egg was embedded a little bit deeply. Those of you also who watch the show in HD might have noticed a little piece of Easter egg action with the drug plane sort of going down over the tree tops, but that was only visible in the HD version of the show. Damon Lindelof: Right, in Charlie's second dream, when he sees Claire and his mother there on the beach, and right before the dove appears, and you'll be able to see it on your DVDs as well, season 2 DVDs, but unfortunately, we do not broadcast the show widescreen as many television shows do, and that's something- that's an ongoing conversation between... Carlton Cuse: Not between us. [chuckles] Damon Lindelof: Between us and the powers that be. No, we are pretty much signed off on it. Carlton Cuse: Between the two of us, we would like to broadcast the show in widescreen, but that's just not gonna happen yet. Damon Lindelof: So, moving on, this week's episode is entitled "The Long Con." Now, who... whose flashback is this episode gonna feature? Carlton Cuse: Well... Damon Lindelof: Can I guess? Carlton Cuse: Damon, take a guess. Damon Lindelof: I am gonna go with... Sun. Carlton Cuse: Uh... no. I would- I think the word "con" is a clue here for you. Damon Lindelof: Uh, Kate. [Carlton snickers] Damon Lindelof: 'Cause she's a con, she's a fugitive, she's a convict. Carlton Cuse: Oh my god. No! Damon Lindelof: She's sort of long. I mean, you know, she's not short. Carlton Cuse: She's not short, no. Damon Lindelof: Could it be Sawyer? Carlton Cuse: It could be Sawyer! Yes! Damon Lindelof: Sawyer, excellent. Carlton Cuse: Very good. Damon Lindelof: I've been very hungry for another Sawyer- I can't believe that we've gone 13 episodes into the season, you know, and we have not done a Sawyer flashback yet, so that should be fairly exciting. Carlton Cuse: It is a shame. We are actually very excited about this. I mean, we love Josh Holloway to death and, you know, the... Damon Lindelof: You sleep with a picture of him under your pillow, don't you Carlton? Carlton Cuse: I sleep with two pictures of him under my pillow, actually. I wish I could quit him actually. Damon Lindelof: I wish you could quit him too. Carlton Cuse: Do you think that, you know, basically America in general, how long is it gonna take before people get tired of Brokeback Mountain jokes? I mean, do you think it'll just become a permanent part of the lexicon? I mean- Damon Lindelof: I think it's sort of, I got tired of it about three weeks ago, and now I'm into it again. So it's sort of like American Idol, you know, it's like when the auditions are on, you go "Yeah!" and then you kind of wane while they narrow it down to about six, and then you get into it again. So, you know, there's something about cowboys who love each other that is so timeless. It's, you know... Carlton, seriously, take your hand off my leg. This is a podcast. We've talked about this before. Carlton Cuse: Well then take the cowboy hat off, and maybe I will. Damon Lindelof: All right. I wish I could quit this cowboy hat. Carlton Cuse: So anyway, "The Long Con" as opposed to short con. You know, long con is a terminology that refers -- in the sort of con profession -- to really setting someone up for a- to bring them down in a very intricate long term fashion, as opposed to just a short con. Damon Lindelof: One of the things we've been sort of accused of in writing the show Lost, I believe, is the long con. [Carlton chuckles] Carlton Cuse: We have been accused of long con. Damon Lindelof: But hopefully, when history reveals the ending of the show, we will not- it will not be revealed to be such. So one thing that I'd sort of like to just sort of point out for the viewers tonight is, you know, one of things that the fans of the show really love and is not something that we do as Easter eggs but is sort of part of a larger mythology of Lost and what everything means and what's going on is that we have crosses in flashbacks, and there's a very cool one in "The Long Con." Carlton Cuse: There is, yes. Damon Lindelof: We think that, instead of, you know, sometimes it's sort of twice removed, but sometimes it's a little more direct than others. But we think this one is fairly- this is kind of a cool one. So keep your eyes peeled for that. Carlton Cuse: Yeah, that'll be good. And, you know, I think otherwise it's a very enjoyable- Damon Lindelof: It sort of speaks- Carlton Cuse: It speaks for itself. Damon Lindelof: Yeah, to tell you anything more would be to ruin the fun. Carlton Cuse: Exactly. I think, you know, for those of you who, you know, as we said before, we're sort of running through some of our favorite characters from last season in these episodes and in some ways, we are sort of revisiting certain qualities that these characters had that sort of made them, you know, and define them in the first season of the show, and that's a little bit about what's going on with Sawyer in this episode. Damon Lindelof: Sawyer has gotten a little soft this year. Carlton Cuse: I think he has, yeah. Damon Lindelof: It's time to get him- Carlton Cuse: Yeah. Damon Lindelof: Toughen him back up a bit, I think. Carlton Cuse: Exactly. So, anyway... So we hope you enjoy the show. We'll be talking about it more after you've seen it next week. So let's get to my favorite part of this, Damon, which is, as always, questions. Damon Lindelof: Questions from fans. [fanfare] Carlton Cuse: Okay, Damon. PiggysGotTheConch- Damon Lindelof: Uh-oh. Carlton Cuse: PiggysGotTheConch Damon Lindelof: That's a Lord of the Flies reference there, I assume. Carlton Cuse: I think that is. Damon, "If you were on the Island, which Lost character would you be most like?" Damon Lindelof: Which character would I be most like? Carlton Cuse: And don't just say Claire again, okay? Damon Lindelof: Heh. Carlton Cuse: Because that's just getting old. Damon Lindelof: Yeah, it is. It is kind of tired. I guess what's interesting is I sort of at any given time I sort of shift depending on what's going on in my life. But the character that I- the two characters that I tend to identify with most are sort of Jack and Locke, and I know those aren't the most exciting off the point issues, but I love Jack because, you know, he's so- he's in such a tough spot, and he so sensitively responds to everything, and the whole idea of, you know, being in an environment where people are looking at you to make hard decisions, but every time you seem to make one, they challenge you on it is, you know, something that I think we all deal with every day of our lives. And what I love about Locke is, you know -- Carlton and I talk about this a lot -- is, you know, Locke is looking for more, you know, he believes there's more to life, but he doesn't know exactly what that is, and the search is very frustrating, and I think that is, you know, something that I really key into too 'cause I have faith, I just don't know what my faith is in precisely so, you know, those are my two guys. I now have a question for you Carlton on the- Carlton Cuse: I'm pretty sure I can't answer it. Damon Lindelof: On the mythological aspect- Carlton Cuse: Oh god. Damon Lindelof: This is from Philosophe. There's no R. It's basically philosopher without an R, 999. Carlton Cuse: Philosophe. Damon Lindelof: "And in the third-" Carlton Cuse: That'd be like a cool rap name, wouldn't it? Damon Lindelof: It would be. Carlton Cuse: Philosophe. Damon Lindelof: Philosophe999. Carlton Cuse: 999. Damon Lindelof: And he's just like sort of standing on the cover with like, you know- Carlton Cuse: That's gonna be my next career, I'm gonna be Philosophe. Damon Lindelof: With like a pair of glasses. All right, I think that's a good idea. I would buy that album. "In your third podcast, you spoke of laissez-faire. I'm aware of Adam Smith's biography and that as a child, he was taken by gypsies. Ethan's last name Rom is also the singular form of Romany, I have recently found out. And I would like to know if there's going to be any connection between either Walt and Adam Smith or Aaron and Adam Smith." Adam Smith, of course, the economist. Carlton Cuse: Wow, how did that person figure it out? Damon Lindelof: That's shocking when people figure stuff out. Carlton Cuse: Adam Smith is actually responsible for the kidnapping of Walt, and in fact he has been in a time warp on the other side of the Island, and he is um... he is uh... until um... uh... [laughs] This is like crazy! Damon Lindelof: Yeah. Carlton Cuse: Uh, no, there is no linkage between Romania, Adam Smith, and Walt other than in your question. Damon Lindelof: And for those of you who say we never answer questions, take that! Carlton Cuse: That's an answer. Damon Lindelof: Carlton is getting out in front of that (???). Carlton Cuse: There is no connection, but it's a very good theory. Damon Lindelof: Why are you winking at me, Carlton? It's okay, you can tell- Carlton Cuse: Because you put the cowboy hat back on, that's why. Damon Lindelof: All right, well, you know, come on. I mean, you know, you got a cowboy hat, that's what you do with it, put it on. Carlton Cuse: Is it just between us Damon? Damon Lindelof: It is. Do you want to ask me another question now, Carlton? Carlton Cuse: Oh yeah! Sorry. Listen, SayidIsMyHero would like to know, "Hey, I've been listening to these podcasts, and they are great. You guys talk a lot about working together and writing and creating the show, and I was wondering how basically you went from getting an idea for this TV show to writing episodes every week to be filmed?" Damon Lindelof: Wow, that's sort of a broad question. Carlton Cuse: Can you just, you know, one sentence, maybe? Damon Lindelof: One sentence. Carlton Cuse: [chuckles] No, you- Damon Lindelof: Very, very carefully. That's my answer. No, you know, I mean, obviously, not to pimp the first season DVD, but there are a lot of great documentaries there as to sort of how the show was sort of creatively constructed. And every day Carlton and I and an incredibly talented group of writers sort of sit in a big room, and we talk about what that week's episode's gonna be and sort of how it fits into the larger picture of the show, and, you know, we break a flashback story, and around that we figure out what's going on on the Island. And, you know, we try to, you know- It's like making a stew every week, just throw in the right ingredients, you know, bring in a little hope and a little suspense and something scary and a little bit of Sayid, obviously because, you know, you love Sayid. Carlton Cuse: And if it's a stew, I would say you're Julia Child. Damon Lindelof: I am Julia Child. I'm gonna take this hat off now, put on an apron. So, yeah, that's the sort of short answer to that question. Carlton Cuse: We actually don't really know how we do it. It's sort of by prayer and miracle that we actually manage to- we have a script- we write a script every eight working days, so it's a lot like being in college and having a term paper hanging over your head all the time. Damon Lindelof: Carlton, I have two quick questions for you. Carlton Cuse: All right. Damon Lindelof: And they are quick because they're just sort of confirm or deny questions. Carlton Cuse: Confirm. Damon Lindelof: The first one is about Alex- Carlton Cuse: Deny. Damon Lindelof: "The French woman's son" by SlapShotter. If you remember back, Carlton, "The French woman talked about her son, Alex, who was taken by the Others. She tries to get him back but can't. If you remember when Kate had a bag over her head, and the Other said to bring her out." You know, when they were standing by the fire, and Jack was asking where Michael was. Carlton Cuse: Yeah, I remember. Damon Lindelof: "The weird guy said 'Alex, bring her out.' This means that Alex must be alive and working with these people. Any thoughts or comments?" Carlton Cuse: Yes. Damon Lindelof: You have a thought or a comment? Carlton Cuse: Uh... Yes, I do. Damon Lindelof: I'm a little confused though about Alex being the French woman's son. Carlton Cuse: No, Alex is not- I think we made it clear that Alex is a female- Damon Lindelof: Yeah, I believe- Carlton Cuse: A girl, so- Damon Lindelof: In episode "Exodus, Part 1" actually, she said my daughter Alex. Carlton Cuse: Yeah, so Alex is a girl, and I think that it wouldn't be wrong to assume that if Mr. Friendly is shouting Alex that that would not be unrelated to this. How many negatives did I use in that sentence? Damon Lindelof: Mr.- Who's Mr. Friendly? Carlton Cuse: Mr. Friendly's the guy with the beard who some people call Zeke. Damon Lindelof: Oh, yeah, that's what Sawyer calls him, but his name isn't- it's not like that's on his driver's license. Carlton Cuse: No. Damon Lindelof: I mean, he's just referred to that because he's friendly. Carlton Cuse: Right. Damon Lindelof: I mean, we didn't name him that. Carlton Cuse: Exactly. Damon Lindelof: Um... Carlton Cuse: That's good. Damon Lindelof: The other quick question that I have, just to clear this up 'cause I'm a little confused about this, from JustBlaze05, "Hey, I don't know if someone else posted this, but it's not a joke, and I am very sure. Watch episode 'Walkabout' in Season 1 and episode 'Everybody Hates Hugo' in Season 2, and in Locke's episode, his boss is talking with him, he tells him that he would not make sense if he does this walkabout trip because he's in a wheelchair. And the same boss you can see in 'Everybody Hates Hugo.' There he works in a burger restaurant, and he is angry about Hurley because he ate all the burgers. So do Locke and Hurley have the same boss?" Carlton Cuse: That's a very good observation by... Damon Lindelof: JustBlaze05. Carlton Cuse: By JustBlaze05, well done. Randy is the same character in both flashbacks and um... I mean, should we just go ahead and tell the audience that, you know, Hurley felt bad about Randy and that he- after the meteor hit the chicken shack, he felt- Damon Lindelof: Oh yeah, that's right, it was a chicken shack and not a burger joint. Carlton Cuse: Yeah, it was a chicken shack, yeah, sorry, that was- Damon Lindelof: Mr. Cluck's. Carlton Cuse: Mr. Cluck's. And he felt bad about Randy, you know, about the fact that his bad luck caused the chicken shack to get destroyed by the meteor, so he gave Randy a job working at this box company he owned in Tustin. Damon Lindelof: Oh, that's right. We mentioned that Hurley actually was the owner of the box company in Tustin, and Locke mentioned that he worked at a box company in Tustin, so it's almost as if it all fits together. Carlton Cuse: It is! Damon Lindelof: But then again, you could be victims of "the long con." [Carlton laughs] Damon Lindelof: See how I did that? Carlton, why are you in my lap right now? Seriously, it's uncomfortable. You're gonna knock my hat off. Carlton Cuse: All right, SamFisherCell would like to know, Damon. Damon Lindelof: Yes. Carlton Cuse: "In Season 2 thus far, what happened to the caves? I thought the whole reason for staying in the caves was for the good of the group, limited number of entrances, water, etc. Now the Tailies show up and tell everyone about the Others picking them off, and suddenly everybody decides a beach campout is the best idea?" Damon Lindelof: That's a very interesting and sort of- that question makes a lot of sense, and basically the deal is, now that we have the hatch as sort of a protective shelter if necessary to bring everybody down into, the caves, I think everybody, all the castaways feel fairly safe that if they needed to run and hide that they would have a place to go that was even better protected than the caves. Carlton Cuse: Right. Damon Lindelof: And more importantly, just in terms of us as producers, the way that the show looks, you know, we like to be outside as much as possible, so instead of alternating between the caves and the beach like we did in Season 1, we feel alternating between the hatch and the beach made a lot more sense. And we also kinda think sociologically, it's human nature for everybody to kind of live as close to each other as possible. So last year, we had set up that some people were living at the beach, and some people were living at the caves- Carlton Cuse: Right. Damon Lindelof: And the cave folk basically, you know, leave the caves to go live at the beach 'cause it's just nicer to have beachfront property. Carlton Cuse: It's nice (???) beachfront property. I mean, why would you not want to have an oceanfront, you know, view- Damon Lindelof: At least until the monsoon comes. Carlton Cuse: That's true. Damon Lindelof: Which Dr. Arzt said was coming, but I don't know, he's kind of a moron. [Carlton snickers] Carlton Cuse: Dr. Arzt said a lot of things, you know, monsoon season, oops, blew myself up. Well, I guess we'll put a lot of faith in that. Damon Lindelof: Yeah, just 'cause he's a physics teacher doesn't mean that he can predict the weather. Carlton Cuse: That's... no, exactly. There's another part to this question which I think you can also clear up, Damon. "In 'Fire Plus Water,' a lot of people have been arguing that the dove that appears is flanked by a twin black shadow dove. I took this to be the dove's shadow as the entire scene was supposed to mimic an old religious painting, and the dove was flying out of it and creating a shadow. Was it a shadow, or was it a black dove? Damon Lindelof: Uh... happy to say it was indeed a shadow, and, you know, obviously, it's great that you picked up on that- I'm sorry, who asked this question? Carlton Cuse: This is still SamFisherCell. Damon Lindelof: Okay, SamFisherCell. Because, you know, Carlton and I and Bryan Burk, another executive producer on the show, worked very closely with Kevin Blank and (???) who do visual effects, and basically we sit down with them, and they come up with concepts, and we say, hey for this, we want this to look like the painting from the beginning of the show. And they basically pitched when the dove appears, it would be great if it looked like it was actually flying out of the painting, and what we are gonna do to create that effect is put the shadow on the painting surface so it two-dimensionalizes. And we said that sounds really cool, do it. And obviously it's a testament to their great work that you have extrapolated exactly what the intent was just by looking at that. So yes, it's a black shadow, and the dove is flying out of the dream painting. So, I think that is- that's all the time we have today for questions. Carlton Cuse: I think so. Damon Lindelof: I'm a little- Carlton Cuse: Time to ride off into the horizon, isn't it? Damon Lindelof: Wow, yee-haw. Carlton Cuse: Giddy-up, Damon. Damon Lindelof: All right, mount up, Carlton. [Carlton laughs] Carlton Cuse: Hopefully, we'll be back next week. If not, you'll know where we are. Damon Lindelof: Yeah, exactly. Carlton Cuse: Or you won't. But we'll be up in Brokeback Mountain. Damon Lindelof: Thanks for getting lost with us and uh... Carlton Cuse: We really appreciate it. Thanks for your good questions. Damon Lindelof: And we'll talk to you next week, I think. Carlton Cuse: Okay. Damon Lindelof: There's some really exciting things coming down the line that I can't wait to talk about. Carlton Cuse: There are indeed. Kris White: Thanks for joining us on the Official Lost Podcast. Next time, we rejoin Evangeline Lilly for part two of her exclusive interview. Get your own fan questions read on our podcast by submitting them at lost.abc.com. "The Long Con" airs Wednesday, February 8th, from 9 to 10 pm only on ABC. [closing soundtrack music]