Nix Card era un Muun che servì come rappresentante del Clan Bancario Intergalattico nel Senato Galattico durante la Guerra dei Cloni. Complottò con Dooku per bombardare Coruscant nel tentativo di fermare i colloqui di pace tra il Senato Galattico e il Congresso Separatista prima che iniziassero.
Nix Card was a Muun who served as the Galactic Senate’s representative from the Banking Clan during the Clone Wars.
Nix Card fue un muun que desempeñó el papel de representante del Clan Bancario Intergaláctico en el Senado Galáctico durante las Guerras Clon. Él conspiró con el Conde Dooku para bombardear Coruscant en un esfuerzo por detener las conversaciones de paz entre el Senado Galáctico y el Senado Separatista.
Nix Card was a male Muun executive and senator of the InterGalactic Banking Clan, replacing Rush Clovis, who had filled the position earlier in the war.
[Source] Le Muun Nix Card est un des représentants du Clan Bancaire Intergalactique au Sénat Galactique durant la Guerre des Clones. Avec le comte Dooku, il organisa des attentats sur Coruscant dans le but de saboter les négociations de paix.
Nix Card is a villain in Star Wars: the Clone Wars. His species is Muun. He is the Banking Clan represntative in the Republic. Although he claims to be with them he is secretly working with the Separatists along with fellow senators Gume Saam and Lott Dod. In one episode the three wanted to pass a bill that will drain the Rebpublic banks in order to buy more troops to keep the war going. They want this for two reasons. One is because it is part of Count Dooku's master's plan. The other reason is because it would make them rich. However because of the supporters against it he decided to arrange for General Grievous to do an attack in order to scare the senate to pass the bill. They suceed in it at first however in the following episode Senator Amidala convinces people against it.