The Masked Orphan Matron is a quest giver for the Horde during Hallow's End. She can be found at Razor Hill (Durotar), Falconwing Square (Eversong Woods), and Brill (Tirisfal Glades).
The Masked Orphan Matron is a quest giver for the Horde during Hallow's End. She can be found at Razor Hill (Durotar), Falconwing Square (Eversong Woods), and Brill (Tirisfal Glades).
The Masked Orphan Matron is a quest giver for the Horde during Hallow's End. She can be found at Razor Hill (Durotar), Falconwing Square (Eversong Woods), and Brill (Tirisfal Glades).