| - Whereas 7 decided to Break the Cutie/Kill the Cutie, Squeenix decided to give her edge, thus possibly averting the trope, but replaces it with the reason why Aeris and Cloud can't be together canonically. Where Aeris failed, Stella succeeds, shown in how much of a Cute Bruiser Stella is compared to Magical Girl Aeris. As such, where Cloud is the big man with the false facade, Noctis is the subverted character: a man with large potential but decides to have good, outwardly shy intentions underneath that cool facade of his. Finally, where 7 deconstructed the Anime Hair, Versus will reconstructs it with the You Gotta Have Blue Hair motif.
| - Whereas 7 decided to Break the Cutie/Kill the Cutie, Squeenix decided to give her edge, thus possibly averting the trope, but replaces it with the reason why Aeris and Cloud can't be together canonically. Where Aeris failed, Stella succeeds, shown in how much of a Cute Bruiser Stella is compared to Magical Girl Aeris. As such, where Cloud is the big man with the false facade, Noctis is the subverted character: a man with large potential but decides to have good, outwardly shy intentions underneath that cool facade of his. Finally, where 7 deconstructed the Anime Hair, Versus will reconstructs it with the You Gotta Have Blue Hair motif. Expect something along the lines of parent issues when playing through Versus; 7 didn't like going into that subject often, so expect reasons why Cloud behaved like a wuss in wolf's clothing and Aeris is a Magical Girl. EDIT: For compare/contrast, look at the WMG directly below this one (Final Battle Will Be Against Stella) and the last one (Heroic Sacrifice). All three appear to go hand-in-hand.
* Huh, can you give me example where Anime Hair is deconstructed? I mean, besides Lampshade Hanging, that is.
* Eh, since 7 does Lampshade it, I guess Versus would do that to an extent. Lampshade Deconstruction (Do We Have This?) in this sense would be a bit extreme to say so, so maybe Versus will attempt to do the same. Either way, the core of this WMG assumes that Versus is the Spiritual Successor and/or Reconstruction to 7. Besides, can someone else find an example of a possible Deconstruction of this in 7 since this troper cannot?