| - Jon: What kind of festival is this? Tyler: I don’t know. Maybe Nurse Joy can tell us. Nate: Why is there a festival happening here? Nurse Joy: That explains your confused faces. This is the festival of trade evolution. Jon: Festival of trade evolution? Nurse Joy: The festival is to celebrate all Pokemon whom evolve during a trade. Tyler: Pokemon evolve during trades? Nate: Take Onix for example. When holding the Metal Coat, Onix can be traded and the end result would be a Steelix. Jon: I see. Like Haunter into Gengar? Nurse Joy: Yes. Nate: And you can evolve your Rhydon into Rhyperior, if Rhydon holds the Protector. Jon: I don’t have that item. Tyler: What item does Haunter need to evolve? Nate: None. Jon: So Tyler can get a Gengar but I can’t get a Rhyperior yet. Haunter: Haunter. Tyler: Haunter, do you want to become a Gengar? Haunter: Haunter Haunt. Jon: Haunter wants to see a Gengar before making a decision. Nurse Joy: There’s two people who were walking around with a Rhyperior and a Gengar earlier. They were challenging trainers. Nate: Seems like if we find these people, then Haunter can see what it’s like to be a Gengar. Tyler: Yeah. And maybe Rhydon can see how Rhyperior looks and see if it wants to evolve into one someday. Jon: Raichu? Nate: I want to get some training in. Tyler: Okay. See you back here later. Jon: Let’s find these two trainers. Jon: A Rhyperior and Gengar. Tyler: Let’s see how they do in battle. Holly: Rhyperior, Rock Wrecker! Gilbo: Steelix, use Iron Tail! Lucy: Don’t worry. Porygon 2, use Tri Attack! James: Gengar! Tyler: What happened? Jon: Tri Attack is a normal type move, which has no effect on a ghost type. James: Sludge Bomb! Holly: Stone Edge! Jon: That was a nice battle. Jon: Nice battle. James: Thanks. Are Rhydon and Haunter yours? Tyler: Yes. Haunter and Rhydon wanted to see how strong Rhyperior and Gengar can be. Holly: I see. Are you two planning on evolving your Pokemon? Jon: If they want to evolve. James: Seems like they do. Jon: Haunter can but Rhydon can’t as I don’t have a Protector. Holly: I have a few spare ones, here. Jon: You sure? Holly: It’s fine. Let’s find you two a trade machine and then you two can get a Gengar and a Rhyperior. Holly: Now Jon has Haunter and Tyler has Rhydon. Jon: Want to trade back? Tyler: Why? Don’t you want to see them evolve? Jon: I do, but under our own ownership. Otherwise I’ll be the first one to have a Gengar and you’ll be the first one to have a Rhyperior. Tyler: I see. Tyler: Isn’t something meant to happen? Tyler’s Pokedex: Gengar, the Shadow Pokemon, and the evolved form of Haunter. It can absorb any surrounding heat, leaving a sudden chill. Tyler: Cool, I have a Gengar now. Jon: Rhyperior. Holly: Want a battle? Your Gengar and Rhyperior, against ours? Tyler: If that’s okay. Jon: Let’s get going! Holly: Rock Wrecker! Jon: You learned Rock Wrecker! Amazing! Holly: Learning that straight after evolving is not normal. James: Shadow Ball! Tyler: You too! Jon: Now, Stone Edge! Holly + James: Double Team! Tyler: I can’t keep track. Jon: Neither can I. Only way to get out, Dig! Tyler: Double Team! James: Shadow Ball! Holly: Rhyperior, use Stone Edge! Jon: What?! Tyler: Why wouldn’t it be them! Jon: Let our Pokemon go, or you know what will happen! Missy: Not a chance. Granbull, front stage. Mike: Raticate, you too! Jon: Argh. Holly: We only have Rhyperior and Gengar. James: Phase out of there. Jon: Rock Wrecker! Tyler: This is a pain. Jon: I’ve had enough. Mike: Who would do that?! Mike: You again! Missy: Hyper Beam! Nate: Thunderbolt again! Jon: Nate, I’ve got an idea. James: What is it? Jon: Quilava, I need your help. You too Beedrill! Mike: Like they will help you! Jon: Toxic Spikes! Nate: They need to be on the floor to be poisoned. Jon: And Pokemon on the same party don’t get poisoned. Tyler: What does that mean? Jon: A super powered up Wild Charge, with Raichu’s help. Nate: Thunderbolt! Mike: Charge Beam. Jon: Go for it! Jon: There’s the poison. Good work Quilava. Let’s finish this. Tyler: Thunderbolt! Jon: Fire Blast, Rock Wrecker and Venoshock! James: Shadow Ball. Holly: Rock Wrecker. Holly: Thanks for getting our Pokemon back. Jon: No problem, right Quilava? Quilava: Lava! Tyler: Taken a lot of recoil. Jon: Let’s get to the Pokemon Center and then make our move to Verna Plaza in the morning. Holly: You two are competing in the Johto League? Tyler: Yeah. James: Good luck, we’ll be watching from the TV at the Pokemon Center. Tyler: It’s going to be televised? Nate: All major Pokemon competitions are. Jon: Good, then I can show Mum, Dad and everyone how strong I have become.