| - John Adams était le second Président des États-Unis d'Amérique, en fonction de 1797 à 1801.
- John Adams (1735-1826) was a lawyer and statesman who was among the founding fathers of the United States of America, and headed the committee which drafted the Declaration of Independence (although the writing was primarily the work of Thomas Jefferson). Adams served as the first Vice-President under George Washington and then as second President of the United States. He has also been commemorated as the protagonist of the musical 1776.
- 200px|right|thumb|Ritrato e John Adams John Adams (n. 30 d'ortubre de 1789 — † 4 e julio de 1797) jue er sibundo Presidior e los Estaos Uníos (1797 – 1801).
- If John Adams was alive today, he would watch "The Colbert Report". Recent reports in the liberal media which say that John Adams became an enemy of the Colbert Nation by falling in with a pack of bears and changing his name to Grizzly Adams have been discredited
- John Adams är en manlig Tau'ri och han är en Tekniska Sergeant i USA:s Flygvapen. Under 1998, John Adams hjälpte till överföra skadade Nasyanerna från Flygvapen Akademi sjukhuset till Stargate Command. Cronus' Ashrak Edrekh tog sin uniform och impersonated honom att klara av sitt mål att döda Jolinar av Malkshur. (SG1: "In the Line of Duty")
- John Adams is the second president of the USA.
- John Adams was the second President of the United States. His Vice President was Thomas Jefferson. He generally was a Federalist, but was not an official member. He was also a Founding father.
- John Adams (died July 4, 1826) was President of the United States during the early 19th century. Adams was opposed to the concept of political parties, believing they would divide the country. As a minister to France, Adams was a political rival to Thomas Jefferson. They would later become friends. Adams died a few hours after Jefferson on Independence Day, 1826. Ironically, his last words were "Jefferson lives."
- John Adams (1735-1826) was the 2nd President of the United States. He was the first President to live in the White House. He was Vice-President under George Washington, the father of John Quincy Adams and a cousin of brewer Samuel Adams. One of the highlights of his Presidency was the XYZ Affair. He died on the same day as Thomas Jefferson on July 4, 1826.
- John Adams został wspomniany w quizie w Archiwach Narodowych.
- John Adams was the second president of the United States of America, serving from 1797 to 1801.
- John Adams (30 otobre 1735 - 4 julio 1826) ia es la presidente du de la Statos Unida de America. El ia es un de la plu influente Padres Fundores de Statos Unida.
- John Adams was the second President of the United States and the namesake of John Adams Gates.
- John Adams is the alias of a progenitor named Enlil. He is the Commander of The Trust organization and the main antagonist of the Conduit series. In The Conduit he hires Michael Ford to The Trust, after Ford saved President Charles Thompson from an assassination attempt, kickstarting the events of the game. In Conduit 2 his goal is to kill all of the other progenitors, taking their power for his own.
- John Adams appeared in the Season Seven episode, "I'm a Little Bit Country", where he was seen during Eric Cartman's flashback. He was the second President of the United States as well as the first Vice-President and was a member of the Continental Congress in 1776.
- John Adams was the first Vice President of the United States and a former President of the United States. Allison Taylor mentioned Adams while giving an address to the nation regarding the recent attack on the White House. ("Day 7: 9:00pm-10:00pm")
- Dialogue >> John Adams was the second president of the United States of America after George Washington. He, along with Benjamin Franklin, assisted Thomas Jefferson in writing the Declaration of Independence.
- John Adams is an English singer-songwriter and solo artist, who was also a member of the band Private Lives in the 1980s. He was a support act for Duran Duran in 1987.
- John Adams (Born October 30, 1735) was the second President of the United States after being the first Vice President for two terms. He is regarded as one of the most influential Founding Fathers of the United States. Adams was best known by his contemporaries as the bitter and less intelligent counterpart of Thomas Jefferson. Although it wasn't known to anyone at the time, John Adams was also the first president ever to become a zombie and the only president to become a zombie before his presidency.
- Example: Example: Example: John Adams (October 30 [O.S. October 19] 1735 – July 4, 1826) was the second president of the United States (1797–1801), having earlier served as the first vice president of the United States. An American Founding Father, Adams was a statesman, diplomat, and a leading advocate of American independence from Great Britain. Well educated, he was an Enlightenment political theorist who promoted republicanism, as well as a strong central government, and wrote prolifically about his often seminal ideas, both in published works and in letters to his wife and key adviser Abigail Adams, as well as to other Founding Fathers.
- John Adams (October 30 [O.S. October 19] 1735 – July 4, 1826) was an American lawyer, author, statesman, and diplomat. He served as the second President of the United States (1797–1801), the first Vice President (1789–97), and as a Founding Father was a leader of American independence from Great Britain. Adams was a political theorist in the Age of Enlightenment who promoted republicanism and a strong central government. His innovative ideas were frequently published. He was also a dedicated diarist and correspondent, particularly with his wife and key advisor Abigail.
- John Adams is a character in The Conduit and it's sequel Conduit 2. Adams is commander of The Trust, a secret government organization. At first he is believed to be an ally, but it's soon deduced that he is actually an enemy. Adams was holding Prometheus prisoner, extracting his alien DNA to genetically create the Drudge creatures.
- Not much information is known about this shady figure. When first contacting Ford, Adams stated that his authorization number was " Kilo Bravo July 221797." In real life U.S. history, John Adams took office as the 2nd President of the U.S. on March 4, 1797. On July 22nd of 1797, Adams issued a Proclamation concerning the mintage of silver coins. Kilo could suggest coins, Bravo is equivalent to 2, as in the 2nd President, and July 221797 is the date Adams issued the Proclamation concerning the mintage of silver coins.
- In 1751 begon John Adams te studeren aan de Harvard University, waar hij vervolgens afstudeerde in 1755. Nadien studeerde hij nog enkele jaren rechten. In 1764 huwde hij Abigail Smith, een nicht van hem in de derde graad. Hun tweede kind (en eerste zoon) was John Quincy Adams, die in 1825 zou aantreden als zesde president van de Verenigde Staten. Reeds sinds 1765 begon Adams zich kritisch uit te spreken over de opgedrongen belastingen van de Britse regering op de Amerikaanse kolonies. In 1774 nam hij deel aan het Eerste Continentale Congres als afgevaardigde van Massachusetts, en van 1775 tot 1777 nam hij eveneens deel aan het Tweede Continentale Congres. Tijdens het tweede congres sprak Adams zich uit als een sterk voorstander van de Amerikaanse onafhankelijkheid, en in 1776 maakte hij de
- John Adams (October 30 [O.S. October 19] 1735 – July 4, 1826) was the second president of the United States (1797–1801), having earlier served as the first vice president of the United States. An American Founding Father, Adams was a statesman, diplomat, and a leading advocate of American independence from Great Britain. Well educated, he was an Enlightenment political theorist who promoted republicanism, as well as a strong central government, and wrote prolifically about his often seminal ideas, both in published works and in letters to his wife and key adviser Abigail Adams, as well as to other Founding Fathers. Adams was a lifelong opponent of slavery.
- John Coolidge Adams (born February 15, 1947) is an American composer. He has strong roots in minimalism. His works include Short Ride in a Fast Machine (1986), On the Transmigration of Souls (2002), a choral piece commemorating the victims of the September 11, 2001 attacks(for which he won a Pulitzer Prize in 2003), and Shaker Loops (1978), a minimalist four-movement work for strings. His operas include Nixon in China (1987), which recountsRichard Nixon's 1972 visit to China, and Doctor Atomic (2005), which covers Robert Oppenheimer, the Manhattan Project, and the building of the first atomic bomb.
- Successfully defended the British soldiers in the Boston Massacre from the charge of murder. Author of the pamphlet: "Thoughts on Government" which became the blueprint for most of the state Constitutions and through them the federal Constitution. Adams also wrote the Massachusetts Constitution. He was the second president of the United States of America. He is probably most well known via 1776 and David McCullough's eponymous biography, filmed as a mini series by HBO in 2008, with the very appropriate Paul Giamatti in the role.
- John Adams, Jr. (October 30, 1735 – July 4, 1826) was the second President of the United States (1797–1801). He also served as the country's first Vice President (1789–1797) under George Washington. He was defeated for re-election in the "Revolution of 1800" by Thomas Jefferson. Adams was also the first President to reside (if briefly) in the newly built White House in Washington, DC, which was completed in 1800.
- John Adams (formerly known as Richard May) was a third class passenger of the Titanic. He died in the sinking. He was born as Richard May in Pancrasweek, Bradworthy, Devon, England in the closing months of 1885. He was the son of John May (b. 1862), a farm labourer, and Mary Elizabeth Slee (b. 1863), Devonshire natives who had married in 1882. He had five siblings: John Henry (b. 1883), Ethel Mary Elizabeth (b. 1891), Elsie Rebecca (b. 1896), Sarah Jane (b. 1897) and Mabel Grace (b. 1900).