| - __NOINDEX__ eValid Functional/Regression Test Suite Software Research, Inc. eValid Functional/Regression Test Suite Developed by: Software Research, Inc. Latest Release: Ver. 8 OS: MS Windows (NT/XP/Vista) Development Status: Active Genre: Test automation tools License: Proprietary Website: www.e-valid.com Patents: United States Patent #7,231,606 Synopsis eValid is an automated testing engine for web browser enabled applications created by Software Research, Inc. It is used mainly for functional, regression, performance, and stability monitoring tests of web applications.
| - __NOINDEX__ eValid Functional/Regression Test Suite Software Research, Inc. eValid Functional/Regression Test Suite Developed by: Software Research, Inc. Latest Release: Ver. 8 OS: MS Windows (NT/XP/Vista) Development Status: Active Genre: Test automation tools License: Proprietary Website: www.e-valid.com Patents: United States Patent #7,231,606 Synopsis eValid is an automated testing engine for web browser enabled applications created by Software Research, Inc. It is used mainly for functional, regression, performance, and stability monitoring tests of web applications. eValid uses a generic scripting language to express test sequences, and includes DOM analysis features for validation and synchronization of test playbacks. As part of a functional/regression test suite, eValid interfaces with the eV.Manager system, and with a variety of other kinds of test management systems. Overview eValid is a web browser enabled application test system implemented inside a browser. It works by identifying signals (events) inside the browser to effect recording and playback. Using Windows COM methods and direct system calls eValid measures response times, validates page properties, and interacts with non-browser applications. Some of the key features of eValid are: License Models Two types of licenses are available for eValid: Nodelocked, single machine, multi-user licenses. Floating, web authenticated, multple machine, multi-user licenses. Recording Process eValid records from capturing user activities as then generate events inside the eValid browser, either by direct access to the web page DOM or by direct access to the COM. Recordings are expressed as commands in the eValid script language. Recording includes page-face motion commands that manipulate DOM values to achieve playback effects without processing exact DOM values. Validation Validation information is extracted from the current web page using direct DOM access. Validations exists for visible text, for page URL, for page title, page element count, page size, and page last-modified date. Screen checksums for images inside the web browser page or on the local desktop are taken from the desktop using the COM interface. Script Structure The script is a text file and can be edited with any text editor. Most eValid commands identify the applicable window, the appropriate page index (DOM index), and frame path. There are ~125 different commands that inserted into a script automatically during the test recording process. All script commands can be edited. There are ~125 additional commands are available to be included into a testscript. There are commands to pass control to sub-scripts including specification of parameters. There are also commands that alter the flow of control during script playback based on occurence of playback-time flags such as WARNING, MESSAGE, ALARM, ERROR, etc. Playback Process Commands in the script are executed sequentially bu reproducing the user action by direct manipulation of the DOM. During playback additional behavior modification is provided as needed by the current state of the application: Adaptive Playback If the current page differs from the paget as it existed during the recording, the playback engine automatically finds the nearest matching element, advises the user of the user of adaptive playback, and continues script execution. AJAX Synchronization Based on user-supplied commands, playback waits until specific element attributes take on specific values. Performance Timing Total download time for the page, and individual download times for each page component, are measured with internal event timers with 1 msec resolution. Flag Processing Flags that signal ERRORs, WARNINGs, MESSAGEs, ALARMs or OVERTIME events are generated based on actual playback state. These flags can be used to alter control flow to provide alternative actions (e.g. system recovery, advisory emails, etc.). Results Reporting The playback Event Log contains one text line for each action taken during playback playback. The information logged includes a time/date stamp, elapsed time in the script playback sequence, command status, and any messages generated as each command executes. Automatically generated subsets of the Event Log include the Messages Log, Performance Log, Timing Log, and a user-specifiable Custom Log. Here are basic statistics on the eValid suite: Relies on IE 5.50, IE6, IE7, or IE8 DLLs which must be co-installed. Download size ~6.4 MBytes Environment variables Full GUI operation ~225 commands Multi-level parameter substitution ~60 command line switches ~150 registry settings ~75 keyboard shortcuts 32 user profiles available ~12 in-line playback time variables CT Labs Review of eValid R. Sabourin, A Look At Testing Web Applications with eValid I. Kruger, Financial Mail Best Corporate Website Awards -- Executive Summary Report US Patent #7,261,606