| - Arcturus Mengsk is a Terran of the Koprulu Sector who founded the Sons of Korhal and the Terran Dominion. From the Great and Brood Wars to the middle of the second Great war, he ruled the Dominion building up its military might while at the same time commissioning several clandestine operations involving mysterious benefactors. Arcturus had also spent a large amount of Credits to pursue a rebel group that splintered off the Sons of Korhal officially known as Raynor's Raiders specifically their founder and leader Jim Raynor. For more information see Arcturus Mengsk on the parent site
- Arcturus Mengsk was a terran from Korhal. He led the Sons of Korhal and orchestrated the downfall of the Terran Confederacy during the Great War. Mengsk ruled the Terran Dominion, the Confederacy's successor, as Emperor Arcturus Mengsk I, until his death during the Second Great War.
- Disgusted by this, fellow rebel Jim Raynor cut ties with Mengsk and established his own group of rebels entitled Raynor's Raiders. Upon the fall of The Confederacy, Mengsk established The Terran Dominion, where he crowned himself Emperor. However, he was not much different from the people he sought to replace and continued to rule via manipulation and terror. Raynor's Raiders constantly have tussles on with the Dominion on many worlds in their quest to overthrow Mengsk. In 2506, he finally met his demise at the hands of a vengeance-thirsty Kerrigan on his home world of Korhal.