Paddywhack is a minor villain in Darkwing Duck, featured in the episode "The Haunting of Mr. Banana Brain".
Paddywhack is a powerful supernatural villain in the animated TV series Darkwing Duck.
Paddywhack is a ancient supernatural demonic entity who inhabits a haunted jack-in-the-box. Although he is capable of possessing inanimate objects and imbuing them with his will, he can and will sometimes appear in his true form, which is a very tall, thin duck with long legs and sharp teeth, wearing a black and white leotard with a ruffled collar. Paddywhack feeds off of negative emotions and always exhorts others to "Please play with me!", enticing them to join him in his various acts of mayhem.
Paddywhack is the main villain in the episode "The Haunting of Mr. Banana Brain" of DarkWing Duck. He is an ancient evi spirit from another dimension and an obvious homage to Pennywise of Stephen King's IT. He may be the darkest entity in the duck universe since he feeds off negative emotions, pranks and general mischief. His appearance make the show grimmer despite the writers' attempts to keep it humorous. Paddywhack was voiced by the late Phil Hartman.