| - Furr is a Flipnote Hatena series starring about the misadventures of six individuals known as "The Furr Club". Started in late 2009, Furr soon gained popularity among the fans. Founded by five eager creators, Furr was started as a shallow gag series, but soon developed far deeper and more complex plots as the series continued. Special mention goes to creator Simba1994-Burntfur for coming up with the very idea for the series and brining it all together; and creator Larka-Fell for helping to keep the series alive, and for helping to bring it to were it now stands. The "Furr Club" consists of:
* Moonflash- A white furred warrior cat obsessed with consuming Coca Cola, often is overly hyper and has drastic mood swings from time to time.
* Fushia- A genre-savvy Foxia who's one of the only sane ones in the group. She is often sarcastic, and can be manipulative from time to time.
* Raphiel- A gray and white warrior cat who has the misfortune of always dying. He is often cheerful and likes to dance.
* Masked- A dark gray warrior cat who is a bit of a goof ball, and is obsessed with GIR.
* Scarf- A crimson warrior cat that wears a scarf and googles. Is somewhat naive, and dimwitted.
* Sora- A wolf cub who is very energetic and outgoing, often treats Fushia as her mother. Other Main Characters include:
* Loki- A raccoon with a set of unwritten rules, which he enforces with an iron fist (or in this case a Banhammer).
* Dr. Inferno- A dark crimson Poul who owns a shady bio-weapons corporation known as Virus Labs. He has feelings for Fushia, and is actually not that "evil".
* Miles- A shy Foxia who's hobbies include anime, cosplaying, art, and writting. Is caught between Fushia and Kasumi
* The Midnight Sun (Kasumi)- An unusually deadly organism in the form of a fox. Was childhood friends with Miles, and is madly in love with Miles.
* Raiden- The sibling of The Midnight Sun, also in the form of a fox, who is more about spreading chaos and munipulating others to amuse itself. The series provides examples of the following tropes:
* All Just a Dream: Used cruelly in "The Twilight"
* Artificial Jackal: Cylin-Orange
* Blue and Orange Morality: Several of the characters of the series follow this, especially Kyoto and Loki
* Bittersweet Ending: Sure "Furr and Loathing" ended with Kasumi and Miles reunited, but it also ended with Fushia being heartbroken.
* Deal with Primal Diagla: The CEO of Big Bucks Inc. makes this with Primal Diagla to gain fame and glory.
* Downer Ending: So Moony, you got yourself unlimited coke for life, your friend Fushia is back, you now have a loving mate, and a perfect life ahead of you. WELL GUESS WHAT! It was all a dream! How 'bout them apples, Moonflash?
* Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: Spode never knew what hit him thanks to the efforts of our heroes.
* The Gambling Addict: Moony becomes one of these in Episode 12
* Gigantic Gulp: Moony gets one in "Mega Size Me"
* Kitsune- The Midnight Sun
* Love Hurts: Miles+Kasumi, Inferno+Fushia, Fushia+Miles. Either way, someone is going to be heart-broken.
* Meaningful Name: Quite a few...
* Loki is named after the god of deceit of Norse Mythology
* Kasumi means Mist in Japanese
* Scarf is named after, you guessed it, scarfs!
* Dr. Inferno, get it?
* Morality Pet: Fushia serves as this to Dr. Inferno. Also Sora serves as this to Fushia.
* Playing Against Type: Co-creator Larka-Fell is previously known for creating grim and gritty stories, filled with Xeno-Lifeforms and Dire-Wolves; in hard contrast to the lightheartedness of the series populated by cats and other friendly furry creatures.
* Quirky Miniboss Squad: The Imp Trio; Rogue, Cylin-Orange, and Sharaku
* Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism: The Simba1994-Burntfur episodes are more idealistic, while the Larka-Fell episodes often mock such aesops
* Status Quo Is God: Lampshaded in "Hoeen Oddyssey"
* Shout-Out: Almost every episode, just to name a few.....
* Alien
* Flash Gordon
* Halo
* Little Shop of Horrors
* Metal Gear Solid
* Okami
* Planet of the Apes
* Pokémon
* Star Fox
* Suck E. Cheese's: The group visits one in "Sora's B-Day"
* Take That: Done EXTREMELY often, with the targets often being Twilight and jerks that hate furries.
* The Vamp: Fushia sees Kasumi as this.
* Vacation Episode: "The Hoeen Odyssey"
* Viewers Are Geniuses: You would be surprised how many viewers easily spot subtle shout-outs.