| - South of South of the Border, this is the rest of Spanish, Portuguese and a small French speaking chunk of America in fiction. That in case there is a Portuguese speaking one, because everybody knows that The Capital of Brazil Is Buenos Aires, right? A place of old, rustic buildings, military dictators and more American missionaries (doctors, etc.) than you can shake an M16 at. Also a good place to find great big wildlife, be it of Earth origin- or extra-terrestrial. See also: Useful Notes On Latin America. Compare Spexico. Examples of Latin Land include:
| - South of South of the Border, this is the rest of Spanish, Portuguese and a small French speaking chunk of America in fiction. That in case there is a Portuguese speaking one, because everybody knows that The Capital of Brazil Is Buenos Aires, right? A place of old, rustic buildings, military dictators and more American missionaries (doctors, etc.) than you can shake an M16 at. Also a good place to find great big wildlife, be it of Earth origin- or extra-terrestrial. The Banana Republic part is now highly inaccurate in Real Life - Your Mileage May Vary about Honduras being the only military dictatorship left, and even that is a recent development. The South American countries are, generally speaking, stable democracies. It's rather a historic penchant for getting in this kind of situation that created the trope. See also: Useful Notes On Latin America. Compare Spexico. Examples of Latin Land include: