| - Iestin Edern is the older brother of a deceased mourner named Nissyen Edern. He is mentioned in Edern's journal. Not very much is said about Iestin, but it is said that he spends a lot of time in libraries in Prifddinas researching things about elven history. Some of Iestin's research has led him to the conclusion that Lord Iorwerth has somehow broken one of the 9 seals that Seren put in place to protect the Grand Library from the hands of men. It is not known why Lord Iorwerth would want to.
- He was first mentioned in Edern's journal. Not very much was said about Iestin, but it was said that he spends a lot of time in libraries in Prifddinas researching things about elven history. Some of Iestin's research had led him to the conclusion that Lord Iorwerth had somehow broken one of the 9 seals that Seren put in place to protect the Grand Library from the hands of men. He also authored the Prifddinas report from Within the Light.
- He was first mentioned in Edern's journal. Not very much was said about Iestin, but it was said that he spends a lot of time in libraries in Prifddinas researching things about elven history. Some of Iestin's research had led him to the conclusion that Lord Iorwerth had somehow broken one of the 9 seals that Seren put in place to protect the Grand Library from the hands of men. He also authored the report from Within the Light, which is found by the adventurer and brought to Arianwyn. The report reveals the fate of Prifddinas, and gives Arianwyn and the adventurer the key information they need to plan what to do next.
- Foi mencionado pela primeira vez no Diário de Edern. Poucas coisas são ditas sobre Iestin, como o fato de que ele gosta de passar horas em bibliotecas de Prifddinas pesquisando sobre história élfica. Algumas de suas pesquisas o levaram a conclusão de que o Lorde Iorwerth de alguma forma quebrou um dos 9 selos que Seren criou para proteger a Grande Biblioteca das mãos dos humanos. Ele é o autor de informações encontradas em Luz interior que são levadas para Arianwyn e revelam o destino de Prifddinas, dando a Arianwyn ao jogador a informação chave que precisam para planejar o que fazer a seguir.
| - He was first mentioned in Edern's journal. Not very much was said about Iestin, but it was said that he spends a lot of time in libraries in Prifddinas researching things about elven history. Some of Iestin's research had led him to the conclusion that Lord Iorwerth had somehow broken one of the 9 seals that Seren put in place to protect the Grand Library from the hands of men. He also authored the Prifddinas report from Within the Light. During Plague's End the player discovers that Lord Iorwerth has put Iestin to work to invent something to change the crystal seed of Prifddinas to a dark version of the old city. The player then steals Lord Iorwerth's plans from the Mayor of Prifddinas. After discovering that Lord Iorwerth plans to kill the entire population of West Ardougne Iestin helps the player and the seven other clan leaders to defeat the Dark Lord and activate the Seal of Seren. He then becomes the new Lord Iorwerth, and can be found in the Iorwerth district of Prifddinas, next to the Iorwerth altar, where the Iorwerth workers are. During The Light Within, Iestin is part of the elven council and eventually Seren is restored during the quest. All clan leaders can be asked for more information about their respective seren shard, but Iestin will say that because of the Iorwerth Clan's past actions, he can not tell much about the Seren shard of integrity and refers the adventurer to Arianwyn.
- Iestin Edern is the older brother of a deceased mourner named Nissyen Edern. He is mentioned in Edern's journal. Not very much is said about Iestin, but it is said that he spends a lot of time in libraries in Prifddinas researching things about elven history. Some of Iestin's research has led him to the conclusion that Lord Iorwerth has somehow broken one of the 9 seals that Seren put in place to protect the Grand Library from the hands of men. It is not known why Lord Iorwerth would want to.
- Foi mencionado pela primeira vez no Diário de Edern. Poucas coisas são ditas sobre Iestin, como o fato de que ele gosta de passar horas em bibliotecas de Prifddinas pesquisando sobre história élfica. Algumas de suas pesquisas o levaram a conclusão de que o Lorde Iorwerth de alguma forma quebrou um dos 9 selos que Seren criou para proteger a Grande Biblioteca das mãos dos humanos. Ele é o autor de informações encontradas em Luz interior que são levadas para Arianwyn e revelam o destino de Prifddinas, dando a Arianwyn ao jogador a informação chave que precisam para planejar o que fazer a seguir. Durante O Fim da Praga o jogador descobre que Lorde Iorwerth colocou Iestin para trabalhar em inventar alguma coisa para mudar a Semente de Cristal de Prifddinas para uma versão das trevas da antiga cidade. O jogador então rouba os planos de Lorde Iorwerth do Prefeito de Prifddinas. Depois de descobrir que Lorde Iorwerth planeja matar toda a população de Ardonha Ocidental, Iestin fica chocado e decide não ajudar mais com as ações de Lorde Ioewerth. Iestin ajuda o jogador e os outros sete líderes de clã e ativam o Selo de Seren. Ele então se torna o novo Lorde Iorwerth, após Morvran renunciar tal posição e pode ser encontrado no distrito Iorwerth de Prifddinas, próximo ao altar Iorwerth onde estão os trabalhadores. Durante Brilho Interior, Iestin é parte do Conselho Ancião e eventualmente Seren é restaurada durante a missão. Todos os líderes de clã darão informações sobre sua respectiva Lasca de Seren mas Iestin diz que por causa das ações do último Lorde Iorwerth, ele não pode dizer muito sobre a integridade da Lasca e então diz ao jogador para consultar Arianwyn. Em 'A Voz dos Anciãos, Volume I', Iestin conta um pouco sobre a história dos Clãs Iorwerth e Cadarn e sobre a relação entre os Elfos e os Humanos. No livro, ele menciona que nasceu em Prifddinas quando era ocupada pelos Iorwerth, após os mesmos teremm tomado controle da cidade. Ele também explica que a pesar de poucos elfos (mesmo entre o Clã Iorwerth) saberem sobre as atrocidades cometidas contra os Humanos pelo Guarda da Morte em Ardonha Ocidental, essas atrocidades foram tão absurdas que é natural que a humanidade culpe todos do Clã Iorwerth por suas ações.
- He was first mentioned in Edern's journal. Not very much was said about Iestin, but it was said that he spends a lot of time in libraries in Prifddinas researching things about elven history. Some of Iestin's research had led him to the conclusion that Lord Iorwerth had somehow broken one of the 9 seals that Seren put in place to protect the Grand Library from the hands of men. He also authored the report from Within the Light, which is found by the adventurer and brought to Arianwyn. The report reveals the fate of Prifddinas, and gives Arianwyn and the adventurer the key information they need to plan what to do next. During Plague's End the adventurer discovers that Lord Iorwerth has put Iestin to work to invent something to change the crystal seed of Prifddinas to a dark version of the old city. The adventurer then steals Lord Iorwerth's plans from the Mayor of Prifddinas. After discovering that Lord Iorwerth plans to kill the entire population of West Ardougne, Iestin is shocked and no longer wishes to support the Iorwerths' actions. Iestin helps the player and the seven other clan leaders to defeat the Dark Lord and activate the Seal of Seren, standing in for the former Lord Iorwerth while the clan leaders attempted to regrow the city. When the city regrew, Iestin becomes the new Lord Iorwerth, as then next-in-line Morvran relinquishes his position to Iestin, and can be found in the Iorwerth district of Prifddinas, next to the Iorwerth altar, where the Iorwerth workers are. During The Light Within, Iestin is part of the elven council and eventually Seren is restored during the quest. All clan leaders can be asked for more information about their respective seren shard, but Iestin will say that because of the Iorwerth Clan's past actions, he can not tell much about the Seren shard of integrity and refers the adventurer to Arianwyn. In The Voice of the Elders, Volume I, Iestin briefly tells about the history of the Iorwerth and Cadarn Clans, and of relations between the elves and the humans. In it, he mentions that he was born in Iorwerth-occupied Prifddinas, after the Iorwerth Clan had already taken control over the city. He also explains that, while few elves-even among the Iorwerth Clan-know of the atrocities committed against humans by the Iorwerth Death Guard in West Ardougne, these atrocities committed were so severe that it is quite natural for humankind to blame all of the Iorwerth Clan for their actions.