| - A "mod" is an "add-on", a "modification" that changes one or more aspects of a videogame. Quake III Arena has support for mods, and id Software released an official (and commercial) mod called Team Arena for it (and many gamers created free mods for Q3A). Q3A and Q3:TA source code is now "free" (under GNU GPL license), so ioquake3 is born... and, even more important, OpenArena is born. So, OpenArena supports mods, like the game on which it is based. They can be written specifically for OpenArena, but many mods created for the original Q3A work also with OA! (Note: some mods could have some problems, for example missing textures).
| - A "mod" is an "add-on", a "modification" that changes one or more aspects of a videogame. Quake III Arena has support for mods, and id Software released an official (and commercial) mod called Team Arena for it (and many gamers created free mods for Q3A). Q3A and Q3:TA source code is now "free" (under GNU GPL license), so ioquake3 is born... and, even more important, OpenArena is born. So, OpenArena supports mods, like the game on which it is based. They can be written specifically for OpenArena, but many mods created for the original Q3A work also with OA! (Note: some mods could have some problems, for example missing textures). OpenArena itself includes some aspects form Team Arena (like game modes and weapons), but there is a mod studied to include more features from TA: it is called simply The Mission Pack. It is installed with OA, you can try it when you want. To find more mods for Quake 3 or OpenArena, you can search the Internet. Here are listed some:
* Mods specifically written for OpenArena
* ModCompat, compatibility tests results for mods written for Q3A (and, maybe, some other compatible games derived from id Tech 3 engine).