| - Lore
- In the world of Sryth, a world teeming with the ancient magics of a previous age, esoteric bits of knowledge can often be of use. Also, the skills of hunting through old books, and reading forgotten runes aren't to be laughed at, especially for an aspiring mage.
- Lore allows a character to identify unknown magic items. Check: A roll against an unidentified item's value to determine magical properties that the item may possess.
- Lore (Intelligence) Lore is the skill of those characters who has general knowledge on a specialized subjects, as Shugenja Lore, Shadowlands Lore, among others. It is considered a High Skill.
- Der englische Begriff Lore (zu deutsch: Überlieferungen, Kunde, Bericht, Sage) bezeichnet in Zusammenhang mit Rollenspiel den allgemeingültigen Hintergrund einer Spielwelt, zum Beispiel von World of Warcraft. Gängige Lorequellen für das Rollenspiel in WoW sind die kaufbaren Quellenbücher und Romane, die Warcraft Enzyklopädie, die Ingame Bücher, das PC-Spiel Warcraft 3 und auch, mit Einschränkungen, die Quests aus World of Warcraft. Kategorie:Rollenspiel Kategorie:Bibliothek
- Categoría:Arreglar El lore es el conjunto de sucesos, tradiciones, leyendas, mitología, etc... que aparecen en The Elder Scrolls y que son recogidos principalmente en los distintos libros o diálogos aparecidos a lo largo de toda la saga.
* Artefactos.
* Criaturas.
* Conflictos.
* Cultos.
* Deidades
* Facciones.
* Libros.
* Línea temporal.
* Lugares.
* Objetos.
* Personajes.
* Profecías.
* Razas.
* Sucesos.
- Eeen meisje die geen meisje is zonder hond een meisje met een steen Categorie:Beantwoorde vragen
- The Story of Angeous'Dink is a story of much sorrow and much conflict, but it has also got much tales, many of which are your tales... This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- thumb|Lore (2370) Lore ist ein hochentwickelter Android mit humanoider Form, erschaffen vom menschlichen Wissenschaftler Doktor Noonien Soong mit Beihilfe seiner Ehefrau Juliana Soong auf dem Planeten Omicron Theta.
- Issues: 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10• 11• 12
- The Great Ancestors were a group of immortalized deities that traveled through the voids within the fractures of the third sphere of Haien'Echti.
- Fuckin write shit on here you assholes
- The Servers contain a lot of lore; and they are all in the same multiverse with Benelux connecting them.
- Lore est une mage de la guilde Hybrid Space.
- Old English lār, from West Germanic *laizā, from *lais- ‘to teach’. Cognate with Dutch leer, German Lehre.
- The events that have led the three races to this point are part of a long history that began more than 10,000 years ago. As Sins of a Solar Empire has expanded, this march forward through time has continued....
- The "Arcane Adventures" plot line is an alternate universe from real life - the outcome of Prometheus giving humans the gift of Magic instead of Fire. If you're looking for all the stories found in Arcane Adventures' in game books, you can find the page here.
- [[Fichier:Hymanconcerttrek.gif|frame|Lore poses as Data in the Holodeck, and kidnaps Phyllis Hyman fans Picard and Riker, and takes them to a Tamia concert instead]]
- Die Lore ist ein Schienenfahrzeug, das in der Donkey Kong Country-Serie oft genutzt wird.
- Lore est un androïde de type Soong, construit dans les années 2330s, par Noonien Soong et Juliana Soong sur la colonie d'Omicron Theta. ALERTE JAUNECET ARTICLE EST INCOMPLET N'hésitez pas à [ éditer] cette page pour le terminer. Des précisions sur les informations nécessaires à compléter peuvent figurer sur la page de discussion de l'article.Vous pouvez traduire le contenu figurant dans les autres versions linguistiques de Memory Alpha ou créer un texte original.
- Each Demigod has their own background story, known as lore:
- Die Lore ist ein Objekt aus der Überlebenskampfkarte Shangri-La. Sie kostet 250 Punkte und die Spieler können thumb|Ein Spieler benutzt die Loredamit bergab bis zum Fuße des Wasserfalls fahren. Am Ende der Schienen werden die Charaktere heruntergeschleudert und können wieder angegriffen werden. Sobald die Lore benutzt wurde, fährt sie langsam die Schienen wieder zurück, bis sie am Start angekommen ist und wieder benutzt werden kann. Um die Lore zu benutzen, muss der Strom angeschaltet sein und man muss den Weg zum Wasserfall aufkaufen. Dadurch wird verhindert, dass Spieler an Barrieren vorbeikommen, ohne für sie zu bezahlen, ähnlich wie bei der Schleuder aus Call of the Dead.
- - Noonien Soong Lore was the name used by two Soong-type androids in the 24th century. (TNG episode: "Datalore"; TNG short story: "I Am Become Death")
- Lore ist die Frau von Käpten und die Mutter von Lotte. Sie ist Bonnies Schwiegertochter. Sie leitet die Bootsfahrten auf der Insel. Wenn man sie um was frägt antwortet sie einem sie ist ein liebes und nettes Mädchen
- Lore, Warcraft-sagaen eller bare Sagaen, er navnet man bruger om historien bag Warcraft-universet, som er blevet til gennem flere bøger, spil og korte historier.
- Lore in the Warcraft series of games is a term used for "background story". The use of the term stems from Blizzard's snippets of "lore" for many of the multiplayer maps in their Warcraft RTS games, although how much of it has a relationship to the main Warcraft universe storyline is unclear.
- Lore in the Warcraft series of games is a term used for "background story". The use of the term stems from Blizzard's snippets of "lore" for many of the multiplayer maps in their Warcraft RTS games, although how much of it has a relationship to the main Warcraft universe storyline is unclear.
- Lore was a Soong-type android from Omicron Theta built by Doctor Noonian and Juliana Soong. He was eventually dismantled and put into storage for malevolent behavior. In the mid to late 24th century, he was reactivated by the USS Enterprise-D. On several occasions, Lore carried out continued malicious behaviour including attempting to have the Enterprise destroyed by the Crystalline Entity, stealing Data's emotion chip and seeking to modify Borg drones to create a master race. He eventually was captured and dismantled again. (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
- Die Lore ist ein Gegenstand, der vor allem in verschiedenen Spielen mit Donkey Kong erscheint und als Fahrzeug auf Eisenbahnschienen dient.
- The world that Sierra Lee has shared with us is very rich and complex. This section of the wiki tries to give those interested some insights about a variety of subjects that could be left unobserved in your game. So far we have seven sections:
* Countries
* Languages
* Magic
* Races
* Religion
* Soul Shards
* Currency But if you want to share your knowledge with the community, feel free to do so. Just create a new page and start to type. __NOEDITSECTION__
- Lore is a collection of writings depicting past and sometimes ongoing events of an intelligent species. Lore is found throughout the Metroid Prime Trilogy. Some pieces of lore also talk about the planet itself. Lore is often found by using the Scan Visor on something, mainly engravings.
- Lore ist ein oft benutzer Begriff für die "Hintergrundgeschichte". Blizzard ist bekannt dafür vielen seiner eigenen Multiplayer-Karten in ihren Warcraft Echtzeit-Strategiespielen (englisch: real-time strategy, abgekürtz RTS) Schnipsel der Lore zuzuschreiben, wobei ihr Bezug zur Haupthandlung des Warcraft Universums nicht immer erkennbar ist.
- The Lore culottes and tank top make a cute girly outfit that is practical for them to play in! The culottes are made from woven fabric, while the top is made from knit fabric with a bias trim of woven fabric to create the straps. Designed by Sandra Moser, 2009. Available in German with English online photo tutorial.
- Der Begriff "Lore" in Zusammenhang mit Rollenspiel bezeichnet allgemein die Hintergrundgeschichte der Welt, in der das Rollenspiel stattfindet. Im Falle von World of Warcraft zum Beispiel die Hintergrundinfomationen über die Völker, die Klassen, Regionen der Welt und geschichtliche Ereignisse.
- Lore is a concept seen in Blood Omen 2 . Kain gained Lore as he killed and drank the blood of others; making him stronger and harder to kill.
- Although Lore possess regions that have been documented throughout the history of AdventureQuest, only five major regions have actually been shown through the use of maps. File:Imginfo-icon.pngWorld Map. File:Imginfo-icon.pngThe Middle Isles in-game.
- The canonical lore of Infinity Wars derives from the cards and the campaign. While not strictly canonical, the Wiki also accepts information from interviews with the developers and other such sources to the extent that they do not contradict the cards and the campaign.
- Lore is the foundation of the game. The lore is created by Arkasas, the High Loremaster. All the lore is approved by him and Archonos. The lore ranges from early tales, such as the creation, to later tales, such as the ballad of Salador.
- Agent Lore is a male Large Beast of some sort. He became an agent for the Department of Mary Sues' Video Games Division in December 2010, but he seemed much more familiar with the role than his partner at the time. It is unknown how long he was watching the PPC before that.
- Lore is pieces of background information or story that you can find hidden throughout the game world. Every piece of Lore is associated with a Perk, though some Lore Perks are tied to more than one piece of Lore. Lore can be viewed in your Mission Journal under the Lore tab. Most pieces of Lore begin hidden and are revealed when your hero first reads them. Part of the fun of Lore is finding them! Obtaining Lore grants progress toward the associated Perks. See the Lore Perks category page for a list of lore.
- You have been thrown into this chaos. However, unlike the ordinary people who pray each day for safety, you have the power to protect yourself. In Lineage II, developing a character is not an end in itself. Rather, it is your instrument to obtain the power to enforce your will in this world. Seize your destiny! Your own hand will write the history of this world.
- This is where I will post stuff that can persuade you to play these wonderful Nexon Games.
- Lore is the collection of information which has been accumulated on some topic. Within the Chronicles, the word usually refers to magical knowledge. Several different bodies of magical lore are presented in the Chronicles.
- The sands of Qalia have seen the rise and fall of many ambitious empires. Intrepid adventurers tell of fantastic ruins that stand as silent witness to the power and knowledge of the ancient Qalians. The Mordebi and Qaliathari empires have sunk beneath the seas and sands; but their memory and their accomplishments still resonate in the hearts of the nomads and city dwellers alike. The continent is one of extremes. Fierce sandstorms. Harsh sun-blasted deserts. Titanic mountain ranges that loom over the deserts. These define the landscape of Qalia.
- In the time when darkness made up the universe, a group of dragons were born out of chaos. But the dragons yearned for more beyond their own kind. The leader of the dragons, Morgath, used his great power to create the earth, forests, oceans, and sky. In turn, the other dragons used their power to create new races to roam the land. This newly created world is known as Auratia. It is a magnificent and beautiful land, worthy of the great and powerful dragons and their kin. The dragons lived peacefully on Auratia for many millennia, until darkness began to creep back into Morgath's thoughts.
- The Library contains archived copies of official lore.
* List of Texts - A list of notes, rumors, texts, and ancient tomes sortable by name, author, and patch added. See also: .
* Internet Lore Articles- A list of lore articles which are (or were) only available on the internet. See also: .
* AC:DM CD Lore - An archive of the 12 Word document files filled with lore found on the Dark Majesty CD. See also: .
* A Brief History for Travelers - The official event summaries from December, 1999 to July, 2002.
* The History of Auberean - Important official articles from 2003 which summarized the overall history of the Asheron's Call universe.
* Stormwaltz Quotes - A complete listing of links to the Stormwaltz quotes hosted on ac.warcry.com along with easy copy and paste refer
- Everquest, released in 1999, has had a very rich background fabricated for it. The original concepts followed simple Dungeons and Dragons storytelling that was quite common in fantasy games at the time. However, due to the community nature of the game, Everquest's story quickly ballooned as the population swelled. The players became a part of Everquest's lore and tended to make a connection between it and their characters. PvP servers such as Vallon Zek and Tallon Zek developed their own names and slurs for those of the rival factions of player characters (Shorties, Darkies, and Lighties to name a few). This was a very entertaining time for players. The newness and uniqueness of the game made it very thrilling for EQ players.
- Lore był czwartym androidem stworzonym przez dr Nooniena Soonga i Julianę Tainer w kolonii na Omikron Teta. Dr Noonien Soong nadał Lore'owi swój własny wygląd. Lore stanowił pierwszą udaną próbę stworzenia mózgu pozytronowego, był też najbardziej zaawansowanym z dotychczas stworzonych przez Soonga androidów. Zarówno jego siła jak i inteligencja znacznie przewyższały ludzkie, Lore okazał się być jednak niestabilny emocjonalnie, zaś fakt, że uważał się za istotę wyższą niż istoty ludzkie, doprowadził w końcu do nawiązania przez Lore'a kontaktu z istotą krystaliczną, która zniszczyła kolonię na Omikron Teta. Jeszcze przed atakiem zaniepokojeni koloniści przekonali dra Soonga do wyłączenia i zdemontowania androida. Niedługo później Soong, mimo obiekcji Juliany Tainer, rozpoczął pracę nad piąty
- The creation of Atreia remains a mystery even to its earliest inhabitants. The existence of Aion, the powerful entity who created it, exists as the only immutable fact surrounding the celestial event. An ageless deity with authority over the cosmos, Aion took the shape of a colossal tower as it presided over the formation of Atreia, and its earliest species, called the Drakan. As a master watchmaker would construct an elegant timepiece, Aion molded and shaped every mountain, valley and continent on the planet. The stage had been set for a battle that would literally tear Atreia apart…
- This article is a stub. You can help NWN2Wiki by [ expanding it]. Lore allows a character to identify unknown magic items and can represent general knowledge and trivia a character has learned. Modifying ability: Intelligence Classes: Bard, Cleric, Druid, Favored soul, Fighter, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, Sorcerer, Spirit shaman, Swashbuckler, Warlock, Wizard; Arcane Scholar of Candlekeep, Arcane trickster, Blackguard, Divine champion, Eldritch knight, Harper agent, Neverwinter Nine, Pale master, Red dragon disciple, Red Wizard of Thay, Shadow Thief of Amn, Stormlord, Warpriest, Weapon master
- The lore is the history of Teos and how the world that has been created for Shaiya came about. In the ancient times, there was the Goddess Etain and the three races she created: the Dragons, the Nordein, and the Dumianas. The Goddess Etain found faults in the Nordien and cast them into the soil. In their arrogance, the Dumianas questioned the Etain's power and authority. The Goddess was weakened by their disbelief , and the Dumianas killed her. Her soul was torn in two. When the dust settled, there were two new Goddesses overseeing Teos.
- Lore era un androide di tipo Soong costruito dal dottor Noonien Soong e da Juliana Tainer sulla colonia di Omicron Theta ed attivato il 9 settembre 2335. Costruito ad immagine del dottor Soong, Lore fu il quarto androide a venir costruito ed il primo con un cervello positronico pienamente funzionante. Un modello precedente di androide di tipo Soong, B-4, possedeva anch'esso un cervello positronico ma era meno sofisticato. Lore era estremamente avanzato e senziente, e possedeva forza, velocità ed intelligenza superiori a quelle di un Umano. Anche la programmazione emozionale di Lore era molto avanzata; tuttavia, iniziò a mostrare segni di instabilità emotiva e cattiveria, fino a arrivare a considerarsi superiore agli Umani. Lore finì per spaventare gli altri coloni, i quali giunsero ad esig
- right|thumb|200px|LoreSofisticado androide, construido por el notable científico Noonien Soong y Juliana Soong en su laboratorio del planeta Ómicron Theta. Lore es notablemente parecido físicamente al androide Data, también construido por los Soongs. Pero posee en su programación más sentimientos humanos que su hermano Data. Fue activado alrededor de 2335 o 2336, pero fue desactivado rápidamente por Soong, ya que los colonos de Theta se quejaban de su carácter y por considerarlo una amenaza.
- Once a medic and explorer for the Decepticon Empire before the Ark left, LORE had disappeared for several years right after the ship left. Originally he was presumed dead, but reappeared a millennium later, having searched most of known space for the Ark and turning up nothing. Resuming his spot in the science and medical division of the Empire, he's begun anew, but with a silent tone to him now. Retaining his deep fascination of Cybertronian history, myths, and legends; it has recently led him to expand into human culture. However, he still has a high loyalty to the Empire, and puts them foremost, he often follows the Empire over the medical code most medics hold dear. In his mind, being a scientist comes second to serving the Empire. He is only armed with two arm-mounted high intensity l
- Lore (in English, science) is the knowhood of everything in the world about us, which has been learnt through overwatching and understanding how things work. Lore gainstands belief, in that nothing is taken to be true till it can be shown to so be. The Lorish Way of Making is the most widespread way of making lore. Some main fields are heavenlore, wortlore, wightlore, and stonelore. See List of Lores for the overbringing of many English lore words in Anglish. This leaf is a stub. You can help the Anglish Moot by swelling it.
- Eventually, Soong capitulated, but not before Lore had secretly contacted the Crystalline Entity in a bid for revenge, offering it the planet's life to ensure his own survival. After deactivating and dismantling Lore, Soong set about constructing Lore's brother, Data, an android without destabilizing emotions. (citation needed • [ edit]) Lore's positronic net differed from Data's, in that it had a Type-"L" phase discriminator compared to Data's Type-"R". (TNG: "Time's Arrow" )
- From the creative mind of Ragnar Tørnquist - creator of the award-winning The Longest Journey - comes a story unlike any before seen in a massively multiplayer online game. With the whole world, all its history, all its legends and all its myths to choose from, the developers of The Secret World are creating a story unlike anything you have ever seen before in a massively multiplayer online game. The Secret World features a unique, story-driven gameplay experience that explores the myths, legends and conspiracy theories of the real world.
- Lore gives a character a 'natural' insight into discerning masked item properties. This insight continues to grow each time a character levels but at a rate determined by its class. Candidate items requiring identification usually possess some sort of magical enhancement or property, but not always. Some books, potions and scrolls may also need to be identified using the Lore rating of the examining character. Cursed items are always very difficult to detect. The bard class, as part of their innate bardic lore background, are ideally suited for deciphering the hidden treasures that are unearthed.
- Lore accessories are a special type of accessory bought from the Distant Glory modes. They can be used to buy "Equip" Extra Abilities. When these Abilities are Enabled, You can equip types of weapons and armor that you originally could not. For example, if you have a Soldier Lore accessory, you can spend it in the ETC section of the PP shop to buy "Equip Heavy Armor". If you are in Terra's customization menu at the time, only Terra gets the ability. If you are in Zidane's customization menu, then only he gets the abilitity, etc.