| - We are planning on launching as soon as our new customer support system is ready, I'm *hoping* that will be early next week The following are all already fully programmed and ready to roll Some things like fletching aren't on this list, that does NOT mean we aren't doing them, it just means they aren't finished *yet* After the launch we will continue working on the members area, and will add many more improvements and updates Feature herblaw, duelling, sound effects, higher level fish to catch,twice as much bank space. Quest druid quest, zanaris quest, heroes quest, ball quest.
| - We are planning on launching as soon as our new customer support system is ready, I'm *hoping* that will be early next week The following are all already fully programmed and ready to roll Some things like fletching aren't on this list, that does NOT mean we aren't doing them, it just means they aren't finished *yet* After the launch we will continue working on the members area, and will add many more improvements and updates Feature herblaw, duelling, sound effects, higher level fish to catch,twice as much bank space. Quest druid quest, zanaris quest, heroes quest, ball quest. Wilderness overgrown village, bandir village, dark warrior castle, red dragon lava island. Location zanaris underground city, entrana island, huge members dungeon, town of traverley, crafting guild, heroes guild, white wolf mountain, pirate town (brimhaven) and dark wizard tower. Monster red dragon, blue dragon, baby blue dragon, druid, choas druid, bandit, dark warrior, white wolf, grey wolf, giant-bat, thug, poison scorpion, ice spider, guard dog, ice queen, shape shifter. Object dragonstone gem, dragonstone amulet, 2-handed rune sword, rune battle axe, herbs and potions. Other Info No Adverts, scammers and cheats will be kicked out. Priority customer support