| - Grenades typicaly do not deal normal critical damage, but have secondary effects instead. Some grenades explode when suddenly jarred after being primed, such as Molotov cocktails. These are able to explode on direct contact with the ground or the foe. To determine how to hit a foe with a hand thrown object, use the following rule: Use the throw skill againts the target's AC. If the check wins against the AC, it is a direct hit and thrown weapons such as hatchets and spears deal damage, and grenades will hit and detonate as per usual. Should the skill fail, the target will vissibly land in a position arournd the foe based on a roll of 1d8. If a grenade fails the check, the opponent may make a AG (1d10+AG > 5) to try and throw it away in a random direction, otherwise it explodes. If the check result is higher then 10, they throw it back at the originator.