| - , a town of hot-shots and low-down punks... Frank Knight (wearing a trench coat, grinning): "On an empty street stands a cop. The best Goddamn cop in town." Frank (smoking a cigarette): "With a loaded six-hooter and a slug of bourbon. He is just one man up against the night's creeps and hoodlums. He is Frank Knight in..." "MURDERTOWN" Starring Frank Knight Frank (winking): "Join the greatest detective of all time in another-" Andrea (in color): Frank! What's all this nonsense about?! Andrea (hands on her hips, enraged): Frank! What's all this nonsense about?! Frank (in normal clothes, sweating): Uh... what? Nothing, Andrea. I watched an old detective movie last night and I was just... Andrea: Daydreaming?! If you spent half as much time on your police work, we'd have no crime in this city! Anyway, <Rank> , a note was just delivered for you. Frank (reading the note): "Dear . You're the only one I can trust. Come to the set of "Murder by Moonlight" at once! Someone wants me dead!" and it's signed by a Lindsay Bannister. Andrea (scratching her head): Lindsay Bannister? I've heard of her. But I don't know why she would ask you to go on a film set, she's not an actress. She's some drunk heiress. Who could want her dead?! Frank (happily): A drunken socialite in need of help?! That's my kind of mystery! Frank (pumping his fist): And , I've just thought of a brilliant way we can sneak onto that film set! Let's go! Later, at the film studio... Frank (wearing a trench coat, fantasizing): This is the perfect disguise! Watching detective movies when I was a kid is what made me wanna be a cop. Do you think this hat suits me? Frank (nervously): Sorry, . We're here to help out a dame in distress, I'll focus now! Frank (winking): Good thinking, I'll watch for security, you go look for this Lindsay Bannister on the film set!