| - Spaceballs is the term used in referrence to inhabitants of Planet Spaceball. Spaceballs are known for foolishly squandering atmospheres and for their "elite army," referred to as the Pingpongs.
- Spaceball ist neben CTB (Capture the Beacon) eines der Spiele in DarkOrbit. Das Event findet meistens unregelmäßig und im Rahmen größerer Events seitens BigPoint statt! Um zu erfahren, wann Spaceball stattfindet, halte auf der Home-Seite Ausschau oder lies die "Offiziellen Ankündigungen" im Forum! Man spielt Spaceball auf der PvP-Map 4-4. Die Dauer ist unterschiedlich, meistens aber drei Stunden (früher 6-8 Stunden).
- Spaceball is a special event in which your company can fight between the other two and battle for the prizes at the end of each round. You can find this in map 4-4. Once you're in 4-4, you'll see a green dot on your Mini-Map, which is the Spaceball. Be afraid to fight because you don't get free Repairs if you die. Beware some enemy ship would want to do the same thing and that might lead to a 'clash'. It is best that you use your pet to collect the cargo, as it will be quicker and more precise. Althought if you are cloaked players may shoot you for not helping with the ball.
| - Spaceballs is the term used in referrence to inhabitants of Planet Spaceball. Spaceballs are known for foolishly squandering atmospheres and for their "elite army," referred to as the Pingpongs.
- Spaceball ist neben CTB (Capture the Beacon) eines der Spiele in DarkOrbit. Das Event findet meistens unregelmäßig und im Rahmen größerer Events seitens BigPoint statt! Um zu erfahren, wann Spaceball stattfindet, halte auf der Home-Seite Ausschau oder lies die "Offiziellen Ankündigungen" im Forum! Man spielt Spaceball auf der PvP-Map 4-4. Die Dauer ist unterschiedlich, meistens aber drei Stunden (früher 6-8 Stunden). Wenn man bei dem Versuch, seine Firma tatkräftig zu unterstützen, abgeschossen wird, ist die Reparatur kostenlos und die Drohnen erhalten keinen Schaden, sofern man auf der Map 4-4 abgeschossen wurde.
- Spaceball is a special event in which your company can fight between the other two and battle for the prizes at the end of each round. You can find this in map 4-4. Once you're in 4-4, you'll see a green dot on your Mini-Map, which is the Spaceball. Be afraid to fight because you don't get free Repairs if you die. All you have to do is help your company keep the ball, by shooting it. You have to get the ball to your Portal in 4-4, the one which leads to X-5 map. Once it gets there, you'll receive some Cargo prizes. These are the prizes you get in the cargo boxes, be fast to get them before others do! Beware some enemy ship would want to do the same thing and that might lead to a 'clash'. It is best that you use your pet to collect the cargo, as it will be quicker and more precise. Althought if you are cloaked players may shoot you for not helping with the ball.