Tall plastic warriors that shot various projectiles. I believe there were four in the series. These Japanese "giant robots" ranged in size from 3 inches to about 2 feet in height and covered a variety of characters, among them Raydeen and Great Mazinga. Based on a number of Japanese cartoons. These Japanese "giant robots" ranged in size from 3 inches to about 2 feet in height and covered a variety of characters, among them Raydeen and Great Mazinga. Based on a number of Japanese cartoons. They were robots that stood over a foot tall. There were I belive 4 in the set and they had interchangable parts. Also had wheels on the bottoms of their feet so you could push them along. Big robot dolls that shot off their arms and put out eyes!LOL!
Tall plastic warriors that shot various projectiles. I believe there were four in the series. These Japanese "giant robots" ranged in size from 3 inches to about 2 feet in height and covered a variety of characters, among them Raydeen and Great Mazinga. Based on a number of Japanese cartoons. These Japanese "giant robots" ranged in size from 3 inches to about 2 feet in height and covered a variety of characters, among them Raydeen and Great Mazinga. Based on a number of Japanese cartoons. They were robots that stood over a foot tall. There were I belive 4 in the set and they had interchangable parts. Also had wheels on the bottoms of their feet so you could push them along. Big robot dolls that shot off their arms and put out eyes!LOL!