| - Open Journal Systems. 2012. Open Journal Systems. Public Knowledge Project. (WUaS's wiki, information technologies and criteria for this - informed by the WUaS academic journal subject matter - are developing, since you can already publish your article at ).
- According to a 2003 survey, the population of Nigeria is 48.2% Christian (15% Protestant, 13.7% Roman Catholic and 19.6% other denominations) and 50% Muslim, primarily Sunni. The south of the country is predominantly Christian and the north is predominantly Muslim. Elements of Sharia law have recently been introduced into the previously secular legal codes of some northern states. Minority religions with a presence in Nigeria include Hinduism, Judaism, the Baha'i Faith and the Hare Krishna movement. Less than 0.1% of Nigeria is Buddhist.
- Nigeria, Federalna Republika Nigerii (Federal Republic of Nigeria) – państwo w Afryce Zachodniej nad Zatoką Gwinejską, najludniejsze na kontynencie afrykańskim. Nazwa państwa pochodzi z artykułu gazety The Times z 1897 roku. Sąsiaduje z Beninem, Nigrem, Czadem i Kamerunem. Główne miasta Nigerii to: Abudża, Lagos, Ibadan, Port Harcourt, Aba, Onitsha, Kano, Kaduna
- Nigeria may or may not exist and it is a famous country filled with exiled Princes, multibillion dollar oil CEOs, and other wealthy Nigerians waiting patiently from Westerners to help them unload their huge savings hidden in some secret bank account.
- Nigeria, officially the Federal Republic of Nigeria, is a country located in West Africa and shares land borders with the Republic of Benin in the west, Chad and Cameroon in the east, and Niger in the north. This in were place the final offensive by the Brotherhood of Nod to steal three nuclear detonators from Benin, the Ivory Coast and this country. When the African country is done, all of Western Africa will gradually fall under Nod control after this mission is completely done with.
- 978-1-58423629-0@600.jpg Country in Africa
- Country on west of Africa.
- Nigeria is a mission in Democracy 3 Africa.
- Nigeria - państwo w Afryce, przykład kraju dziewięćsetdziewięćdziesięciodziewięcionarodowościowego. Mężem Nigerii jest Niger. Stolicą kiedyś było duże miasto Lagos, a teraz jest zadupie o nazwie Abudża.
- Nigeria är ett land i Afrika. När President av Togo avsattes, lyckades han att få ett plan till Nigeria. (SG1: "Inauguration")
- Nigeria is a country in Africa. When the President of Togo was deposed, he managed to get a plane to Nigeria. (SG1: "Inauguration")
- Nigeria is a country in west Africa with a population of over 150,000,000. NHL player Rumun Ndur was born in this country but raised in Canada. Akim Aliu who was drafted in the 2nd round, 56th overall in the 2007 NHL Entry Draft was born in Okene. They have an ice rink in Lagos, but no ice hockey is played.
- Nigeria is a federal constitutional republic composed of 36 separate states, and is situated in West Africa.
- Nigeria is a country in Africa. It's largest city is Lagos and is home to the Lagos Sanctuary.
- The flag of Nigeria is an equal vertical green-white-green tricolour.
- Nigeria, officially named the Federal Republic of Nigeria, is a federal constitutional republic in West Africa. It also served as a stop during the Avalon World Tour.
- Nigeria is the African country with the largest population and has 140 Million inhabitants. Exxon Mobil and Shell Nigeria exported oil from Nigeria, polluted the country and failed to improve living conditions for the poor inhabitants. Nigeria has vast natural resources but has not eliminated poverty or hunger. Corporate corruption is a major problem there. In the Christian south they send you to prison for being caught doing gay things. In the Muslim north they execute you for being caught doing gay things. It's very homophobic in Nigeria.
- La Nigeria è situata nell'Africa Occidentale ed è bagnata dal Golfo di Guinea. Si trova tra il Camerun e Benin. Nel suo passato ci sono state diverse tensioni tra i vari gruppi etnici e religiosi differenti tra loro, come accadde tra Cristiani e Musulmani, che hanno causato diverse guerre civili. Attualmente la popolazione è formata da più di 250 gruppi etnici. La lingua ufficiale dello stato è l'inglese.
- Nigeria's largest city is Lagos. Lagos has grown from 300,000 in 1950 to an estimated 15 million today, and the Nigerian government estimates that city will have expanded to 25 million residents by 2015. (Section needed on Happiness survey)
- Olujobi, Gbemisola. "Halting Apocalypse in Nigeria: The HIV/Aids Fight". September 28, 2006. Olujobi, Gbemisola. "Is That Mail From Nigeria" -- behind the "419" scam. July 12, 2006.
- A United States Marine Regiment is present in Nigeria. Also take a look at our page United States Marine Corps..
- As a CPU, Nigeria plays defensively and his jumping and moving stats are low. He also kicks and dashes a bit less than most characters and never tries to counter shots. He also doesn't ever kick the opponent
- Nigeria is a country located in West Africa and shares land borders with the Republic of Benin in the west, Chad and Cameroon in the east, and Niger in the north. Its coast in the south lies on the Gulf of Guinea on the Atlantic Ocean. Nigeria has a national Quidditch team, which competed in the 2014 Quidditch World Cup.
- Nigeria was a coastal country in western Africa, bordering the Atlantic Ocean to the south. Its neighbors included the countries Benin to the west and Cameroon and Chad to the east. ("Day 7: 12:00am-1:00am")
- Nigeria is a federal constitutional republic in West Africa, the end Time of Day:Day and night cycle Weather:Usually very hot and sunny, sometimes rainy Location:West Africa Arena Size:923.768 Km2 This Arena May Benefit:Wood,stone and various other metals This Arena May Impair:Exotic plants and wild animals Items:Stones, plants, wood, animal products None
- Dawno temu, gdy z Europy przybyli tutaj odkrywcy, ujrzeli piękną, wysoko rozwiniętą cywilizację. Coś im jednak nie pasowało, bo zaczęli ją ulepszać, aż w końcu, zgodnie z prawami Murphy'ego rozwalili ją i obecnie Nigeria wygląda – chyba oczami.
- Nigeria, officially the Federal Republic of Nigeria, is a country located in West Africa.
- Officially the Federal Republic of Nigeria, is a federal constitutional republic comprising 36 states and its Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. The country is located in West Africa and shares land borders with the Republic of Benin in the west, Chad and Cameroon in the east, and Niger in the north. Its coast in the south lies on the Gulf of Guinea on the Atlantic Ocean. The official website is [1] and the Wikipedia page is [2]
- Nigeria was a country in Africa. Calabria helped the Eighth Doctor free his companion Charley from a Nigerian prison. (PROSE: You Had Me at Verify User Name and Password) Marlowe, a colonist of Proxima 2, was a Nigerian. (PROSE: The Face-Eater)
- Le Nigéria est puni par la loi d'emprisonnement et de 250.000,- € d'amende.
- Nigeria (amtlich Bundesrepublik Nigeria) ist ein westafrikanischer Staat auf bundesstaatlicher Ebene, der aus 36 Bundesstaaten gebildet wird. Die Hauptstadt ist Abuja. Gemäß ihrer Verfassung versteht sich Nigeria als ein präsidiale, rechtsstaatliche und föderale Repräsentative Demokratie. Sie grenzt an Benin, Niger, Tschad und Kamerun. Sie ist unter anderem Mitglied der Vereinten Nationen, der Afrikanischen Union, dem Commonwealth of Nations, der Organisation erdölexportierender Länder und der Organisation für Islamische Zusammenarbeit.
- Nigeria is a kind of Metal, that was invented by Hoo Stoe Mi Sand-Wish. Some people think that Hoo Stoe Me Sand-Wish didn't really invent Nigeria but actually happened upon it while searching for his lunch.
- Nigeria, officially the In the belongings of Fedora Repubic of Nigeria, is a fedoral constitutional pubic hair system comprising 36 states and its Federal Capital Terror, Abuja. The cunt is located in West Africa and shares blood with the Republic of Beans in the west, Chad and Non-Chad in the east, and Nigel in the north. Its cost in the south lies on the Gulf of Genius in the Atlantic Ocean, and is estimated to be more than 900 billion dollars. Directed by Michael Bay and James Cameron, it is considered to be part of the lesser known Africa. Known inhabitants are estimated to copulate with penguins.
- thumb thumb|Flaga Nigerii Nigeria jest jednym z państw w których toczy się fabuła "Lost" w retrospekcjach bohaterów.
- <default>Nigeria</default> Lokalizacja Rok powstania Właściciel Mieszkańcy Rola Przynależność Nigeria (ang. Nigeria) — państwo leżące w zachodniej Afryce. Nigeria graniczy łącznie z czterema państwami: Beninem, Nigrem, Czadem i Kamerunem. W 2014 Nigeria brała udział w Mistrzostwach Świata w Quidditchu.
- Nigeria, officially the Federal Republic of Nigeria, with a population of 131,530,000 (2005) is the most populous country of Africa. There are several tourist destinations in Nigeria. Interestingly, there is a hot springs named Wikki Warm Springs (which reminds of Wiki, Wikia and Wikpedia) located in the most developed National Park of Nigeria, the Yankari National Park. Lagos is the fastest developing state in Nigeria.
- Nigeria (officially the Federal Republic of Nigeria), is the most populous state in Africa and the seventh most populous country in the world, and the most populous country in the world. The country is located in West Africa and shares land borders with the Republic of Benin in the west, Chad and Cameroon in the east, and Niger in the north. Its coast in the south lies on the Gulf of Guinea on the Atlantic Ocean.
- Modern-day Nigeria has been the site of numerous kingdoms and tribal states over the millennia. The modern state originated from British colonial rule beginning in the 19th century, and the founding of the Nigeria Protectorate in 1914. Nigeria became independent in 1960, and plunged into a civil war from 1967 to 1970. It has since alternated between democratically-elected civilian governments and military dictatorships, until it achieved a stable democracy around 2000.
- It has a vast amount of natural resources. It is widely known for its hard working people. It is believed that each of the 36 states, in addition to having massive quantities of oil, also has vast mineral resources. With a workforce that amounts to one of the most literate and zealous in Africa, Nigeria is capable of being the next superpower. Un des plus grands malentendus arose during the discussion of economic superpowers such as Western Union. Nigeria is well known for its perfect credit record and is currently the home of the Visa headquarters and other honest credit card companies. Despite media reports, Nigeria was the first country to place a man on the moon and gave Amerika lower-class Nigerian workers in the 1700's to aid in Amerika's development. This is different from Niberia,
- This page gives you the opportunity to redirect to the original article that is on Wikipedia or stay on the American Football Database. Clicking on the link on this page will redirect to Wikipedia's Nigeria article. Take me to the [ Nigeria] article on Wikipedia. Click here to return to the American Football Database main page or just hit your browsers back button to return to your previous page. These Redirect pages should be eliminated in either of two ways. Things to think about:
- The Federal Republic of Nigeria is a country in West Africa. A former British colony, it has emerged in the 21st Century as the fastest-growing economy in the world. With a population of over 140 million, it is the most populous country in Africa and the eight most populous country in the world. The Nigerian Constitution is based on the United States Constitution. Nigeria has suffered many attacks from Islamic terrorism, most notably the mass abduction of over 300 schoolgirls by Boko Haram.
- This giant African country has a wide range of individual and group supporters of solar cooking. The country was a 1992 stop on a solar promotion tour conducted by Dr. Robert Metcalf, an SCI founder, in which he provided demonstrations in a number of African nations. One organization with which he worked is, as example, the Nigerian Society for the Improvement of Rural People. Its leader, Chris Ugwa, reports that around 50 families are regularly using solar cookers to pasteurize water and to cook food. They continue to train household cooks and are aiming to reach 100 new families per year.
- The most populous country in Africa and the eighth most populous country on Earth, with a population of about 155 million, it has over 200 different official tribes. The population is split fairly evenly between Muslims and Christians (50% to 48% was the 2003 estimate). A number of northern states are using Sharia law and there are regular outbreaks of religious violence. Nigeria is famous for its productive (if variable) movie industry. It's also infamous for its 419 email scams (named for the section of Nigerian law they violate).
- British influence and control over what would become Nigeria and Africa's most populous country grew through the 19th century. A series of constitutions after World War II granted Nigeria greater autonomy; independence came in 1960. Following nearly 16 years of military rule, a new constitution was adopted in 1999, and a peaceful transition to civilian government was completed. The government continues to face the daunting task of reforming a petroleum-based economy, whose revenues have been squandered through corruption and mismanagement, and institutionalizing democracy. In addition, Nigeria continues to experience longstanding ethnic and religious tensions. Although both the 2003 and 2007 presidential elections were marred by significant irregularities and violence, Nigeria is currently