| - Doug: You ever have that movie that you really can't stand but everybody else seems to love? And maybe it's not just one movie, maybe it's a couple of movies, and maybe you suddenly become really famous by doing a stupid Internet show, and maybe everybody judges you by those movies, and they're always like, "Oh! Oh! You can't like that movie! You can't like that movie! No! No! We have to judge you now, because you're a pussy, you're an asshole! And I hate you! I'll never judge you again! YOU'RE THE WORST PERSON I EVER...!!" You get the idea. So, what I'm trying to get across here is that there are movies that I can't stand, they just...they get under my skin, but a lot of other people seem to like them...and that's fine. It's really cool. Don't go around judging people by this, it's not wo
| - Doug: You ever have that movie that you really can't stand but everybody else seems to love? And maybe it's not just one movie, maybe it's a couple of movies, and maybe you suddenly become really famous by doing a stupid Internet show, and maybe everybody judges you by those movies, and they're always like, "Oh! Oh! You can't like that movie! You can't like that movie! No! No! We have to judge you now, because you're a pussy, you're an asshole! And I hate you! I'll never judge you again! YOU'RE THE WORST PERSON I EVER...!!" You get the idea. So, what I'm trying to get across here is that there are movies that I can't stand, they just...they get under my skin, but a lot of other people seem to like them...and that's fine. It's really cool. Don't go around judging people by this, it's not worth it. Just because you like a film or don't like a film doesn't mean you're an idiot or you're not smart or you're a jerk or anything like that. And to prove it, I am going to do the Top 10 films that I can't stand but everybody else seems to enjoy. And if you think, "Oh, that's not fair!", next week, I'm gonna do the Top 10 Films That I Like and Everybody Else Seems to Hate. So, I'm doing this just to show it's all opinion, it doesn't say anything about whether or not you're a good person or a bad person or a smart person or a dumb person. It's just opinion and what you like. To me, what matters is how well you can explain it. So, with that said, I'm gonna explain why these Top 10 films I can't stand, they drive me nuts, but everyone else seems to enjoy them. So, without any further ado, let's get started. (A drawing of Doug's face is shown as the title is shown. This image will serve as the countdown's interlude)