| - Arceus, Arcy per gli amici, è lo sputacchiante dio del mondo dei Pokémon.
- Arceus es un Pokémon Legendario de tipo normal introducido en la cuarta generación. Es el Dios Pokémon, el primer Pokémon existente y creador del mundo Pokémon. Sólo puede encontrarse en la naturaleza legítimamente con el uso de la Flauta Azul, que nunca fue distribuido en cualquier evento oficial. Arceus cambia de color y de tipo cuando lleva una tabla equipada.
- Arceus, the Alpha Pokémon and the Creator God of the Pokémon World, served as the titular antagonist in the twelfth Pokémon film Arceus and the Jewel of Life. Arceus created the Creation trio (Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina) and the Lake guardians (Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf).
- Arceus ist ein legendäres Pokemon und dank seinen heraus ragenden Statuswerten das stärkste Pokemon zurzeit. Er besitzt als einziges Pokemon die attacke Urteilskraft und durch die 16 Lebenstafeln verändert sich die Wirkung von Urteilskraft. Er hat alle Pokemon erschaffen und ist ein Pokemon aus der 4. Generation.thumb Kategorie:Pokemon Kategorie:Monster aus Film und Fernsehen
- Arceus is a Great Being who controls Pokemon. He was the driving force behind the Battle of Neo Z'Traa during the Uterio War. Near the end of the battle, he was sent to the past by Blackout. He has since been restored to our time when a beam of Antimatter struck the exact spot he was pulled through, to be met by Ynot and convinced to help in the battle against Omega Supreme. He survived that battle, and has popped up periodically, conversing with Michael Weston.
- No.493 Arceus Tür: Normal(Değişik Levhalar eklenerek türü değişebilir. Bu yeteneğe sahip tek pokemondur.(Bkz. Multitype) Tip: Alfa Pokemon Pokedex (Diamond): Mitolojide 1000 kolu ile dünyayı şekillendirdiği bilinir. Pokedex (Pearl): Mitoloji bu Pokémon'un kainattan önce doğduğunu söyler. Pokedex (Platinum): Hiçbirşeyin olmadığı bir yerde bir yumurtadan çıktığı söylenir. Sonra Evreni şekillendirmiştir Gelişimi: Arceus gelişmemektedir.
- Arceus (アルセウス, Arceus) is a species of Pokémon in the series of the same name. It is a Normal legendary Pokémon that made its first appearance in the fourth generation games Diamond and Pearl.
- Arceus, the Alpha Pokemon and the Creator God of the Pokemon World. Arceus created the Creation trio (Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina) and the Lake guardians (Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf).
- en:Arceuses:Arceus Arceus (Japans: アルセウス Arceus) is een mythische normaal-type Pokémon uit de Sinnoh regio. Hoewel Arceus niet evolueert, veranderd de type van Arceus wanneer deze een plaat vasthoudt. Arceus staat bekend als het origineel en er wordt over gezegd dat het Sinnoh en Ransei, maar waarschijnlijk het hele Pokémon universum, heeft gemaakt samen met de Lake Guardians en het Creation Trio. Arcues heerst over het Creation Trio en het Meer Trio.
- Arceus ist ein legendäres Pokémon vom Typ Normal. Arceus hat eine Anfangsfreundschaft von 0, ist von der Spezies Alpha und hat eine Fangrate von 3.
- Arceus puede cambiar de tipo gracias a 16 placas que tiene en su cuerpo y no parece tener ninguna debilidad.Pero todos por muy fuertes que sean tienen alguna debilidad,Si alguien sabe la debilidad de Arceus que lo diga;a cambio yo ofrezco la carta secreta de Giratina,Heatran y Rayquaza.Adiós,ayúdenme,¡por favor!. La debilidad es el tipo electrico y el tipo hielo
- es:Arceusnl:Arceus Arceus (Japanese: アルセウス Aruseusu) is a Normal-type Legendary Pokémon and Mythical Pokémon introduced in Generation IV. This Pokémon is known as the creator of the Pokémon world. It is the most powerful Pokémon in the Pokémon world, being able to change into any type and has the highest base stats of any non-Mega Pokémon.
- For a Pokemon who is as recent as Arceus, he has a lot of figures cataloged due to having a major role in a movie. They come in all shapes and sizes, and even in all the different plates. The lists run from smallest to largest, size wise, of the figures.
- Arceus is a Legendary Pokémon who is the leader of the "Creation Trio" formed by Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina, as well as the "Lake Trio" formed by Mesprit, Uxie, and Azelf. By bringing the trios into existence, Arceus created and shaped the fabric of reality in the Pokémon multiverse, making it the single most powerful known entity in the franchise.
- Arceus is a widely coveted Normal type Legendary Pokémon, number 493 in the Pokédex, and is the last "official" Pokémon as of Generation IV. To capture it, you should go to the Spend My Credits page and select "Normal Type Map" (it will cost you 10 credits). It is extremely rare, but it will appear eventually.
- Arceus is a Pokemon the most powerful pokemon ever. It hatched from a egg and then shaped the universe it has 1000 arms around the universe. It has plates to change its type. In the pokemon movie it befriended a human when the man helped save him after he stop a meteor destroy earth so in return he gives the mans some of his type plates to create the jewel of life to give the village which had no life grass,trees and rain but he said that he needed the jewel in a few years but when it was time the man betrayed arceus.watch the movie to see the rest of what happened.So in a way arceus is god
- Arceus is one of the worlds of Effulgence not yet connected by Milliways.
- Arceus (in giapponese アルセウス Aruseusu, in tedesco e francese Arceus) è un Pokémon della Quarta generazione di tipo Normale. Il suo numero identificativo Pokédex è 493.
- Arceus è un pokémon leggendario di tipo normale introduto nella quarta generazione. Le sue statistiche in combatte. Può essere di qualche tipo. È l'ultimo Pokémon della pokedex nazionale.
- Arceus (アルセウス Aruseusu?) appears as a Master Ball Pokémon in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U. It performs the move "Gravity".
- Arceus plays a major role in the plot of the HGSS Arc.
- Arceus est une créature équine. Son pelage est blanc sur la plus grande partie de son corps et gris au niveau de son abdomen. Il possède une longue crinière qui surplombe un visage gris contenant deux yeux rouges et verts. Arceus a des sabots d'or ainsi qu'une roue autour de son corps qui est incrustée de quatre émeraudes. La couleur de ses yeux, de son pelage gris et de l'or change en fonction de la Plaque qu'il tient. On dit que Arceus pourrait employer la plupart des attaques existantes. Il vit au-dessus du monde des humains dans la Salle Originelle qui elle-même se situe au-dessus des Colonnes Lances.
- Arceus Categoria:Pokémon de color gris Categoria:Pokémon de tipus normal Categoria:Pokémon que no poden criar Categoria:Pokémon rarsCategoria:Pokémon de quarta generació Categoria:Pokémon sense gènere Categoria:Pokémon de forma corporal 8en:Arceus es:ArceusArceus és un Pokémon llegendari de tipus normal introduït en la quarta generació. És considerat per molts el Pokémon més poderós de tots gràcies, entre altres coses, a la seva habilitat multitipus, que li permet canviar de tipus amb la taula corresponent. És conegut per ser capaç d'aprendre l'atac sentència, que canvia de tipus amb Arceus, i també per ser el primer Pokémon existent. Les seves estadístiques en combat, sumades, donen el resultat més alt, si bé individualment no són les més altes. És l'últim Pokémon de la Pokédex nacional e
- Arceus (Japanese: アルセウス Arceus) is a Normal-type Legendary Pokémon. Arceus is known as "The Original One", as it is said that it created Sinnoh and Ransei, and possibly the entire Pokémon universe, along with the lake guardians and creation trio. Arceus can only be found in the wild legitimately with the Azure Flute, which was never distributed at any official event. However, Arceus itself was distributed via multiple Nintendo events in 2009 and 2010 and the Pokémon Global Link in 2012.
- Arceus est le pokémon seigneur caprin venu sur terre pour nous enseigner la loi du ciel. Né dans une étable comme n'importe quelle chèvre de son époque, il se considère comme le fils du ciel. Son rôle sur terre est d'apprendre aux pokémons à être bon et à savoir partager malgré les cruautés de ce monde. « Au nom de Chen, de Sacha et des Saints caprins, Amen. » ~ Sacha Guitry à propos de Arceus. « Capturez-vous les uns les autres comme je vous ai capturé. » ~ Sacha Ketchoum à propos des pokéballs.
- <default>Arceus</default> Wiki.png Titel Wissenschaftlicher Name Ernährung Verbreitung Zugehörigkeit Färbung Maße Werk Arceus (jap. アルセウス) ist ein legendäres POKéMON vom Typ Normal. Es ist im Nichts aus einem Ei geschlüpft und hat die gesamte Welt erschaffen. Es ist der Anführer des Seen-Trios, bestehend aus Selfe, Vesprit und Tobutz, aber auch des Dimensions-Trios, bestehend aus Dialga, Palkia und Giratina, die ebenfalls aus dem Ei entstanden sind.
- Arceus (Japanese: アルセウス Arceus) is a Normal-type Mythical Pokémon. While it is not known to evolve into or from any other Pokémon, it will change type when it is holding a Plate. Like Darkrai and Shaymin before it, Arceus was not officially recognized by Nintendo until February 14, 2009, the year of its debut movie. It was officially revealed to international audiences on August 3, 2009. It is the trio master of both the lake guardians and the creation trio.