| - Open Journal Systems. 2012. Open Journal Systems. Public Knowledge Project.
- Nature is a Base element. Its main uses are creating/summoning plants. It is very similar to the Swamp element, but much different.
- According to Princeton University Cognitive Science Labratory's WordNet, nature is defined as "the natural physical world including plants, animals, and landscapes." In other words, nature is the natural world of all features that are not man-made. This includes plants, animals, bacteria, natural disasters, weather, climate, and much more. It is the phenomena of the universe.
- Nature is an interest in MySims Kingdom and MySims Agents. It centers around plants, animals, forests and fresh air. Nature (MySims Kingdom)|MySims Kingdom||you Nature (MySims Agents)|MySims Agents
- Nature is one of the four elements in FURY, and is associated with the Growth School. It has many Buffs, Damge Over Time effects, as well as Heal over time effects such as Rejuvenation and Regrowth. Nature is associated with the Growth school, and Wardens and Oracles.
- La nature est ainsi courante chez les Druide, les Chasseur, et finalement la plupart des types d'attaques. Catégorie:Encyclopédie
- Nature (в переводес англ. —«Природа») — один из самых старых и авторитетных общенаучных журналов. Публикует исследования, посвящённые широкому спектру вопросов, в основном естественно-научной тематики.
* Официальный сайт (англ.)
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- Nature is strongly influenced by both Order and Chaos and must be kept in Balance. Among the various philosophies of life scientists look at nature differently than those who believe in magic. Nature does appear to be within a balance between science and magic. Too much reliance on science, without the belief in magic, however can bring nature out of balance.
- Name: Nature Run Time: 2:38 Year: 1996
- Nature is a category of furniture.
- Nature is a fabled unreleased track (Visqueen, Fur, Part Of Me, Rites And Rage, Lust Disese, etcerea) from the Crowz Era, But it is on YouTube. (MFKR's YouTube channel got permission from Anders Colsefini to upload it). The first Riff from Nature was used in The Heretic Anthem.
- "Nature" is a Sesame Street song from a season 40 episode. Wild Nature Survivor Guy (Jimmy Fallon), inspired by a rhythm created by a chirping cricket, sings the song to explain the importance of nature. He encourages Alan, Elmo, Rosita and Big Bird to join him and they provide back-up.
- Gaea is the Incarnation of Nature. Nature's dominion is over all living things, and the Song of Chaos is her ultimate power, allowing her to make and unmake life.
- Wikinature traite de la nature.
- Nature is a fusion of plantlife and weather. It was later considered as a real element.
- The Nature is a living force present in the world of Elysion.
- After being grounded for missing out on his chores, Clark runs out while Jonathan wants them to protect the farm from a flood. He finds himself in an Amazon village having to help the villagers against a threat by the name of Lowtax.
- Nature is the name for a jacket in the video game No More Heroes. After ranking ninth in the United Assassins Association, it can be purchased from Area 51 for LB$29,800.
- Q. Why are trees excited A. Cause they like they nature strip
- Nature is a knowledge type skill linked to Wisdom. It can be used to gather knowledge about the natural world. You have picked up knowledge and skills related to nature, including finding your way through the wilderness, recognizing natural hazards, dealing with and identifying natural creatures, and living off the land. If you have selected this skill as a trained skill, your knowledge represents formalized study or extensive experience, and you have a better chance of knowing esoteric information in this field.
- Nature is one of the four Deity creatures on the game. He is a cross between a Wolf and a Deer. He is the most neutral out of the Deities on the game and is the Heralder of Light. He basically rules over Spring.
- In nature, nothing is perfect and everything is perfect. Trees can be contorted, bent in weird ways, and still be beautiful. Alice Walker
- Nature was a sphere of metaphysical law within Nosgoth, and one of the nine magical principles harnessed and governed by the Pillars of Nosgoth. Alongside its sister principle, Conflict, it was associated with the elemental force of Fire, which, in turn, was aligned with the overarching principle of Light. The principle of Nature concerned the growth and perpetuation of organic entities in Nosgoth. The Nature Guardians, culled by the Pillars, could commune with, influence, and summon natural phenomena, and were charged with governing over plants, animals, and all forms of natural life.
- Image:Nature.gif Nature is a Ranger skill that increases your defence against magic. The duration is increased with INT.
- Specializing in Healing abilities, Nature is a Power Set available for a character during Character Creation. __TOC__
- Nature is the down to earth explanation of plants and animals (which is obtusely wrong), though it may also refer to pornography. That's why everyone is getting back to nature.
- Nature is a term for all living things in knightmare. This is made of all 5 elements but it is a large enough thing that it could be considered an element of it's own. This involves life, plants animals and anything else that is alive.
- Nature ist ein Level 70iger Selbstbuff des Ranger, der die Magiedef (Mdef) erhöht. Der Buff verbraucht MP und die Zeit ist Int-Abhängig. 20 sek Cooldown Der Skill hält 60+(SkillLvl-1)*10+6*INT Sekunden. Die Mp-Kosten lassen sich durch folgenden Formel berechnen: 65+(SkillLvl-1)*5
- Nature is an element in the Luminous Arc series. Mavi and Pop are the Elemental Witches of nature; with Mavi being the Elemental Witch of nature in Luminous Arc and Pop being the Elemental Witch of nature in Luminous Arc 2. Nature spells in the Luminous Arc series differ. For example, Mavi has Gaia Rage; which is a huge, spiky, stem/plant thing coming up from the ground, as her last spell and Pop has Yggdra Form as her last spell; which is a huge, brown sword made of earth and vines going down to the ground.
- Nature is a thing of the Earth that consists of various trees, rocks, oceans, mountains and many, many more stuff that we can't describe. Some say that nature is a valuable thing, but most of those people are hippies that constantly roam the forest promoting... peace and stuff I don't know what they promote it's all just one big mystery to me. Mostly there are rumored to be some mystical creatures in nature, creatures such as bees, bugs, birds, bears, bigfoot oh my! Okay there are many more but I can't be bothered to put it into insufficient data. Nature is good when you are looking at it stoned and blind but I just think that nature is insufficient, even though it provides Earth with most of the life needed, like Oxygen, Wood and Water. But it's just sitting there doing nothing. I'm wonde
- A nature is something's "what-ness", secondary substance, essence, sort, or kind, which can be held by different things (some separable and some inseparable). Without one's nature, one could not exist. One's nature is the most basic thing that can be said about something. If the nature allows for change or growth, then one's nature stays with itself throughout each of its stages of development. For example, an acorn and an oak tree are two different stages of development within the nature of "oak-ness". Humans, for example, may go from, say, a zygote, embryo, fetus, infant, child, teenager, adult while remaining human throughout. This shows that whatever is attained through an exercise of free agency is not one's nature. Jesus in Christian categories has two natures simultaneously - eterna
- Available to toddlers:
* Chasing butterflies and fireflies Available to children and up:
* Catching butterflies and fireflies
* Hunting bugs
* Feeding and watching fish in the aquarium or koi pond
* Studying cleaning
* Watering flowerbeds and trimming hedges
* Using the AquaGreen Hydroponic Garden
* Gardening
* Fishing
* Raking leaves and zen garden
* Watching cloud
* Playing with a womrat
* Playing and talking with a caged bird
* Sleeping in a tent
* Reading the tree rings
* Building a sandcastle
* Watching waves
* Combing for seashells
* Reading the Home and Garden section in the newspaper or the Outdoorsy magazine
* Browsing web about nature
* Blogging about nature
* Dreaming about nature
- The journal Nature was first published 4 November 1869, making it one of the oldest science journals still operating. Nature is multi-disciplinary, meaning it has not specialized in any field of scientific endeavour but publishes articles from a wide range of topics. Science journals are generally rated by their impact factor, which is calculated by the Thomson Institute for Scientific Information (ISI). The impact factor for Nature in 2004 was 32.182, the highest impact factor for that year.
- An arcane version of nature magic was studied by certain wizards who were trained outside cities. Used for ripening, culling, harvesting. One can take a seed and pull the youth from it until its a flower. (LG #?) Although nature spells are not a specifically defined category, a spell or effect falls into this subgroup if it clearly improves, enhances or summons creatures or objects that exist in natural, aboveground terrain. (WoWRPG 24)
- Nature's troops are the animals living in unoccupied oases. You can use the combat simulator to see whether you have enough troops to defeat the animals in an oasis you want to conquer, but remember that you can only raid oasis. Keep in mind that all the animals above Bear can kill its contemporary max tier travian troop in single combat. You capture nature troops in order of strength, so you will capture a rat, then a snake, then a bear, then a tiger, then a elephant if those were the animals in a oasis, and the cycle repeats until the hero runs out of cages.
- The nature branch of divine magic is almost entirely the province of one race. Night elves follow no faith but that of Elune, while honoring the other Ancients. Although all night elves pay tribute to Elune, those who truly hear her soft song choose the healer class and follow the path of either the druid or the priest. Most of the inhabitants of northern Kalimdor — namely the night elves, but also the furbolgs and the satyrs — worship or revere the Ancients. The night elves worship Azeroth's only deity, the eternal moon goddess Elune. They revere most of the other Ancients, especially Cenarius, the only Ancient to spend considerable time on the Physical Plane. They also honor the moon goddess’s companions, including Agamaggan, Aviana and Malorne. The furbolgs venerate the bear twins, Urso
- The File:Icon Nature.png is one of the six Magical Realms in Master of Magic. Nature is somewhat of a jack-of-all-trades school, though its forte may be in summoning whole armies of powerful magical creatures to stampede opponents. The Nature Realm has numerous Summoning Spells at all Rarity levels, and the creatures accessed by casting them are mobile and tough. __TOC__