Housemon is a Digimon whose name and design are derived from the house.
Housemon is an Unknown Level "Digimon" that resembles a giant wooden robot with a house for most of it's body.
Housemon is a minor villain, a minion of Puppetmon and the hideout of Puppetmon in Digimon. It only made one appearence in the TV show. AppearanceEditHousemon is an Unknown Level Digimon that resembles a giant wooden robot with a house for most of it's body. Digimon Adventures 01EditAfter Puppetmon knew he was going to lose, he had one final trump card. His own mansion turned into a monster made entirly out of wood. It seemed to be unstoppable monster because the Digimon's attack had no effect on it. It had only one weakness, Puppetmon. If Puppetmon dies so does Housemon. When Puppetmon made his escape, MetalGarurumon and Matt appeared out of nowhere. He thought that MetalGarurumon was working for him and ordered him to attack the DigiDestined. MetalGarurumon refused and killed Puppetmon.
Housemon is a Digimon whose name and design are derived from the house.
Housemon is an Unknown Level "Digimon" that resembles a giant wooden robot with a house for most of it's body.
Housemon is a minor villain, a minion of Puppetmon and the hideout of Puppetmon in Digimon. It only made one appearence in the TV show. AppearanceEditHousemon is an Unknown Level Digimon that resembles a giant wooden robot with a house for most of it's body. Digimon Adventures 01EditAfter Puppetmon knew he was going to lose, he had one final trump card. His own mansion turned into a monster made entirly out of wood. It seemed to be unstoppable monster because the Digimon's attack had no effect on it. It had only one weakness, Puppetmon. If Puppetmon dies so does Housemon. When Puppetmon made his escape, MetalGarurumon and Matt appeared out of nowhere. He thought that MetalGarurumon was working for him and ordered him to attack the DigiDestined. MetalGarurumon refused and killed Puppetmon. Doing so destroyed Housemon as well. TriviaEditIt's unknown if Housemon is it's real name, it could be just a nameless robot.