| - Agni is an Elder worshiped by the Indian people as a god of fire. He is a master of fire.
- Agni was a Ta-Matoran native to Ta-Metru and a member of the Ta-Koro Guard.
- Agni ist eine weibliche Nord in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Sie ist ein Waisenkind und wird von Falion in Morthal betreut.
- Agni es un Ta-Matoran nativo de Metru Nui.
- Agni jest Ta-Matoraninem pochodzącym z Metru Nui.
- Agni was a Ta-Matoran who worked in Ta-Metru.
- She is training to become Falion's apprentice, and because of this, doesn't share the opinion of the rest of the town regarding Falion. She can be seen running around with the other children early in the morning, but mostly stays with Falion in his house during the day. Randomly a conversation can be heard between the two, where she mentions having a bad dream that Falion sneaks out at night to do scary things. When she grows up she wants to study magic at the College of Winterhold, although Falion doesn't approve of this.
- Agni ist ein Ta-Matoraner, der ursprünglich auf Metru Nui lebte.
- Agni was the fourth moon of Indra. The station on Agni had a population of three hundred humans. (PROSE: Lords of the Storm)
- Agni is the Hindu god of fire, sacrifices and priests, acting as the channel for offerings.
- Agni (アグニ, Aguni) is a Brahmin, who has renounced his old, rebellious ways to serve Soma Asman Kadar, whom he deeply reveres.
- Agni is the most powerful of all Ryu's dragon transformations in Breath of Fire. It can be obtained immediately after receiving all of Ryu's other dragon forms and finding a secret dragon shrine in a cave northwest of Camlon. Its main purpose is to expose the goddess Myria's true form in order to receive the best ending. In addition to its story importance, Agni gives Ryu 999HP and an attack that does 999 damage no matter what. However, it is considered a fusion spell and requires that Karn is not in any of his fusion forms.
- Agni or fully Prince of Light Agni or Hrbringer of Hope, is the name of the armor created by the Archlord of Light and the wearer. Agni is empowered by light and thus, a polar opposite of Sables who was created by the Archlord of Darkness, though his features exhibits many similarities to Sables. The Agni armor is passed from son to son in the family of Eaglesham.
- Agni es un niña nórdica huérfana que está al cuidado de Falion en Morthal. <default><span style="font-size: 90%;">Agni</span></default> Información Básica Raza Género Género Ocupación Ocupación Nivel Clase Habilidades Facción Facción Lugar de nacimiento Rango Rango Hechizos Artefactos Seguidores Matrimonio Servicios Esencial Localización Localización Región Región Provincia Resistencia Ref ID Base ID Categoría:Skyrim: Personajes
- Agni is the name of the system of servers, (agni.lindenlab.com) that hosts the "grid" (or main grid) of Second Life. Each sim is hosted on one of these servers, (represented as sim###.agni.lindenlab.com). Each server can hold up to 4 sims.
- Kategorie:CharakterKategorie:Matoraner Agni war ein Ta-Matoraner.
- Kategoria:Artykuły wymagające poprawy kategorii Agni – postać występująca w The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
- Agni (Sanskrit: अग्नि) is a Hindu deity, one of the most important of the Vedic gods. He is the god of fire and the acceptor of sacrifices. The sacrifices made to Agni go to the deities because Agni is a messenger from and to the other gods. He is ever-young, because the fire is re-lit every day, and also immortal.
- Agni is the leader of the new Boboobian Ninja. He leads them under new morals and guidance. While still ruthless in their missions, they are now dedicated to Hapori Tohu and Bobooba, as well as to the well-being of all Matoran. During the events of the second movie, he was against Bormatu's plan from day 1, and managed to gain a rebel following among the ninja. To this day he considers Bormatu a fool, despite having worked closely with him before he turned. Turaga Hakari may think the same way. For the Official Bionicle Canon Ta-Matoran with the same name, see
- Agni on Ta-Matoran, joka on alun perin kotoisin Metru Nuilta. Agnin Suurta mullistusta edelyäneestä elämästä ei tiedetä yhtään mitään. Turaga Dumena esiintyvä Teridax komensi Vahkit laittamaan Agnin ja muut Matoranit Matoransäiliöihin, missä Agni heikentyi pienempään kokoon ja menetti muistinsa. Myöhemin Toa Metrut pelastivat Matoranit ja herättivät heidät Naho-järven rannalla Mata Nuin saarella. Ta-Korossa Agnista tuli Ta-Matoran Vartion jäsen. Hahlin vieraillessa Ta-Korossa Agni oli vartiossa Ta-Koron muurin harjalla.
- thumb|Symbol Agniego|left Agni jest bogiem ognia, przeklętym by konsumować wszystko czego dotknie. Poprzez wypalanie skazy minionych przewinień, jest także bogiem obdarzającym nieśmiertelnością tych, którzy dostąpili zjednoczenia z Brahmanem. Pełni obowiązki jako mediator pomiędzy ludźmi, a bogami służąc jako ogień na ołtarzu ofiarnym. Agni ma moc stworzenia ognia na ziemi gdziekolwiek zapragnie jak i kontrolowanie jakiegokolwiek płomienia. Agni może zmienić na życzenie swoją prawdziwą postać, lecz zawsze ma czerwoną skórę. Czasem ma jedną twarz, trzy nogi i siedem ramion oraz języków. Innym razem ma siedem twarzy, trzy ramiona i dwie nogi.
- Agni is one of the most important of the Vedic gods, being the god of fire, receiver of sacrifices and the messenger of the gods. Agni lives in everyone's hearth. Being the vital spark of life itself, his importance was so great to the Proto-Aryans that he had over 200 Hymns ascribed to him in the Rig Veda, along with eight of its ten books started with praise towards him. Agni is closely associated with Indra, sometimes there being descriptions stating that they're twin brothers, thus sometimes making Dyaus and Prithivi his parents - however, it's stated that he has many more parents.