| - Angharradh, also referred to as the Queen of Arvandor, is both the personification of three separate elven goddesses, Aerdrie Faenya, Hanali Celanil and Sehanine Moonbow, as well as a single goddess who extends beyond these three separate aspects. As such, her nature reflects traits of each of these deities. Due to the nature of her creation, Angharradh exhibits a fierce protectiveness and strong resolve.
- Angharradh, also referred to as the Queen of Arvandor, who was sometimes considered falsely the personification of three separate elven goddesses, Aerdrie Faenya, Hanali Celanil, and Sehanine Moonbow, as well as a single goddess who extends beyond these three separate dieties, and is the chief goddess of the Seldarine. As such, her nature reflects traits of each of these deities. Due to the nature of her creation, Angharradh exhibits a fierce protectiveness and strong resolve. Despite her vigilance, the reversal of the Elven Retreat and the return of drow to Cormanthor have weakened Angharradh's spirit while causing the three goddesses to spend more time apart.
- Angharradh (ON-gahr-rath) ist die repräsentative Macht der drei Göttinnen Aerdrie Faenya, Hanali Celanil und Sehanine Mondbogen welche gemeinsam bekannt als "Die Drei" sind, sowie als die "Eine", welche ihre Aspekte zusammenfasst.
- Angharradh, also referred to as the Queen of Arvandor, who was sometimes considered the personification of three separate elven goddesses, Aerdrie Faenya, Hanali Celanil, and Sehanine Moonbow, as well as a single goddess who extended beyond these three separate aspects before the Spellplague, was the chief goddess of the Seldarine. As such, her nature reflected traits of each of these deities. Due to the nature of her creation, Angharradh exhibited a fierce protectiveness and strong resolve. Despite her vigilance, the reversal of the Elven Retreat and the return of drow to Cormanthor weakened Angharradh's spirit while causing the three goddesses to spend more time apart.
- Angharradh, also referred to as the Queen of Arvandor, is both the personification of three separate elven goddesses, Aerdrie Faenya, Hanali Celanil, and Sehanine Moonbow, as well as a single goddess who extends beyond these three separate aspects. As such, her nature reflects traits of each of these deities. Due to the nature of her creation, Angharradh exhibits a fierce protectiveness and strong resolve. Despite her vigilance, the reversal of the Elven Retreat and the return of drow to Cormanthor have weakened Angharradh's spirit while causing the three goddesses to spend more time apart.
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