| - A slith is an animal-hybrid form troll high priests and prophets can take when drawing power from the great serpent loa gods Hethiss and Sseratus. It is thus not a proper creature race.
- The Slith resemble Skaarjs, but they have evolved a fish-like tail as opposed to legs. They can spit acid, and are excellent swimmers; however, on land, they are sluggish and cumbersome, making them easier targets.
- The Slith were a sentient, serpentine species native to the moon Yavin 13. They were a nomadic species, living in patriarchal tribes of up to fifteen individuals. They had little civilization and no permanent structures. The Slith were venomous, preferring to paralyze their prey before eating them alive. They communicated with each other via a rudimentary language consisting of noises produced by rubbing their scales on the ground. Slith had little contact with the wider galaxy, remaining largely undiscovered until the reign of the Galactic Empire. During the Yuuzhan Vong War, their moon was wiped of all life, leading to their extinction.