| - Chibi (チビ) es un miembro de corta barda de los seguidores del Hombre Alto, de Brown Country. Él no tiene nombre en el Dub FUNimation.
- was an abandoned dog that Nagato found while wandering around the streets after his parents were killed.
- Möglichkeiten an Chibis zu kommen:
* Man muss eine bestimmte Mindestanzahl an Events teilgenommen haben
* Man muss mit einer bestimmten Mindestanzahl bei Eents in der Top3 gelandet sein
* Man muss eine gewisse Mindestanzahl an PVP-Duellen absolviert haben.
* Man muss eine bestimmte Mindestanzahl von PVP-Duellen gewonnen haben.
* Man muss mindestens bistimmt oft am Training teilenommen haben.
* Man muss eine bestimmte Mutprobe bestanden haben.
* Man muss eine bestimmte Anzahl an Erfahrungspunkten gesammelt haben.
* Man muss eine bestimmte Mindestanzahl an Klassen erreicht haben.
* Man muss eine gewisse Mindestanzahl an Chibis gesammelt haben.
* Man muss eine bestimmte Zeit lang Mitglied sein.
- Chibi is a miniature pet Unicorn that is occasionally available to everyone for purchase through Cragara, the Mysterious Merchant, at the regular price of File:Sc.png299, and to Members at the 10% discount price of File:Sc.png269.
- Categoría:Personajes Chibi (チビ, Chibi) fue un perro callejero que Nagato encontró mientras vagaba por las calles después de que sus padres fueran asesinados.
- Taille image Commentaire Informations Nom Original Alias Première apparition Manga[[]] Première apparition AnimeDragon Ball épisode 015 Première apparition Film[[]] Jeu vidéos[[]] Naissance Décès Origine Statut Race Taille Poids Voxographes Français Japonais Famille Entourage Signification du nom Techniques Chibi (チビ, Chibi) est le subalterne de Noppo.
- Chibi (チビ, Chibi) fue un perro callejero que Nagato encontró mientras vagaba por las calles después de que sus padres fueran asesinados.
- Famille Nature de Chakra Traits Uniques Jutsu Armes Chibi était un chien abandonné trouvé par Nagato, qui errait suite au meurtre de ses parents. Ils cheminèrent ensemble, tentant de survivre, jusqu'à ce qu'ils trouvent Yahiko et Konan. Chibi fut tué lors de l'affrontement opposant Hanzô aux Sannin, touché par une explosion. Les trois orphelins d'Ame pleurèrent alors sa mort. Il faut cependant souligner que Chibi empêcha Nagato de mourir de faim et de fatigue en réveillant ce dernier au bord de la mort.
- Chibi (チビ, Tiny?), he is a timid crybaby, speaks with a cracked voice, and is often beaten up by the rest of the Gang of Four. He is often together with Kakugari. He also has buck teeth like that of a beaver's (though his nameless Manga counterpart did not have this). His real name is Akira. Voiced by Issei Futamata, Steven Paul.
- Chibi/Cloe is a brown and white Pomeranian with brown patches all over her legs and on her face. She also has a brown tail, black snout, and wears a Rose accessory.
- Chibi war ein Hund, der zur Zeit des zweiten Shinobi-Weltkrieges zu Nagato gestoßen ist, als dieser auf der Suche nach etwas zu Essen war. Er ist bei einer Explosion umgekommen, die durch den Kampf zwischen Hanzou und den Sannin verursacht worden ist.
- Chibi (チビ) was a tiny pet alligator, who wandered away from his owner's apartment and became a spirit upon his death.
- Chibi is a member of the Eliatrope race, seen as an infant starting in Season Two, episode 6 of the Wakfu cartoon. As an infant Chibi is a small boy with white hair, brown eyes, slightly pointed ears, and a hat similar to Yugo's- although brown in color.
- Chibi (ちび chibi?, y se traduce literalmente como pequeño, corto, o enano.) es como una palabra de Inglés, argot usado en algunos círculos (por ejemplo otaku). Tiene su origen en el idioma japonés. En el contexto del anime o el manga, se utiliza para describir un estilo de dibujo de un personaje de una forma muy estilizada, con cuerpos rechonchos que son aproximadamente del mismo tamaño que la cabeza, este estilo se llama "estilo super deformado" por muchas personas de habla Inglés. Una versión chibi de un personaje se hace generalmente con fines cómicos.
- Chibi (ちび, chibi) as an English word is slang used in some circles (for example otaku). It has its origins in the Japanese language and usually translates to either tiny, short, or dwarf. In the context of anime or manga, is used to describe a style of drawing a character in a highly stylized way, with stubby bodies that are about the same size as the head; this style is called "super deformed style" by many English speakers. A chibi rendition of a character is usually done for comedic purposes.
- The Battle of Chibi (赤壁の戦い, rōmaji: Sekiheki no Tatakai) or literally "Battle of the Red Wall" is a defining battle near the end of the Han Dynasty. On royal orders, Cao Cao led an expedition to the south and conquered a majority of Jing Province. He had Liu Bei on the run at Changban, yet Liu Bei escaped from his foe to the east and arranged a formal alliance with Sun Quan. After some debate, Sun Quan accepted the decision to fight back with Liu Bei. Led by the talented strategist, Zhou Yu, the combined navies clashed with Cao Cao's imposing fleet.
- Chibi (CHIBI -チビ-) is a manga series by Yoichi Takahashi focused on boxing. It was serialized in Shueisha shonen magazine Weekly Shonen Jump from issue #41 of 1992 to issue #45 of 1993, achieving a total of 53 chapters in magazine serialization. Chibi is the second most successful comic series of Takahashi that is not related to football behind Ace!. Before being serialized, Chibi had a prototype one-shot also named Chibi that was published a few months before the regular series.