| - Team aliassen: Council of God-Kings; Skyfathers; Godheads (ex) Leden:
* Odin
* Zeus
* Vishnu
* Ammon Ra
* Anu
* Baiame
* Brahma
* Dagda
* Itzamna
* Izanagi
* Manitou
* Nyambe
* Osiris
* Shiva
* Svarog
* Tame
* Tezcatlipoca
* Ukko
* Viracocha Bekende vijanden: Atum the Demogorge, Thanos, Akhenaten Operatiebasis: Verschillend, meestal Asgard. Voertuigen en accessoires: - Eerste optreden: Thor #300 Bedacht door: -
- The Council of Godheads, also known as the Council Elite, represents a union of the leaders (or their delegates) of the various pantheons of gods on Earth. There are over twenty separate tribes or races (pantheons) of superhuman beings associated with Earth claiming to be gods. The vast majority of these pantheons trace their origins back to Gaea, one of the Elder Gods (such as Chthon and Set) who materialized on Earth before any other life had appeared there. The other Elder Gods degenerated into demons, preying upon each other. Gaea called upon the Demiurge, the sentient life force of Earth's biosphere, and gave birth to Atum, who became Demogorge and either slaughtered or banished the other Elder Gods. Gaea then infused her life essence into all living beings on Earth. It is unclear whe
| - The Council of Godheads, also known as the Council Elite, represents a union of the leaders (or their delegates) of the various pantheons of gods on Earth. There are over twenty separate tribes or races (pantheons) of superhuman beings associated with Earth claiming to be gods. The vast majority of these pantheons trace their origins back to Gaea, one of the Elder Gods (such as Chthon and Set) who materialized on Earth before any other life had appeared there. The other Elder Gods degenerated into demons, preying upon each other. Gaea called upon the Demiurge, the sentient life force of Earth's biosphere, and gave birth to Atum, who became Demogorge and either slaughtered or banished the other Elder Gods. Gaea then infused her life essence into all living beings on Earth. It is unclear whether Gaea mated with the Demiurge to create a newer, more perfect race of gods, or if Atum simply split his essence to spawn the new gods. The timing of this is unclear, as it predates recorded history. Further confusing matters is the existence of many races (some demonic) whose supernatural members have also been worshipped as gods on Earth. In addition, some demons have usurped the names of gods, while some gods have also usurped the names and worshippers of older beings. Further, some of the current pantheons of the gods have lived through various cycles of death and rebirth, interacting with humanity at various points in the past. Gaea, along with Demiurge or Atum, is the progenitor of most of current gods, and is known by different names to each pantheon. Valka - about whom little is known - was one of the first new gods worshipped on Earth, achieving prominence around 30,000 BC which lasted at least 12,000 years. Towards the end of that period, some of the other gods (or beings bearing their names) began to be worshipped on Earth as well.
- Team aliassen: Council of God-Kings; Skyfathers; Godheads (ex) Leden:
* Odin
* Zeus
* Vishnu
* Ammon Ra
* Anu
* Baiame
* Brahma
* Dagda
* Itzamna
* Izanagi
* Manitou
* Nyambe
* Osiris
* Shiva
* Svarog
* Tame
* Tezcatlipoca
* Ukko
* Viracocha Bekende vijanden: Atum the Demogorge, Thanos, Akhenaten Operatiebasis: Verschillend, meestal Asgard. Voertuigen en accessoires: - Eerste optreden: Thor #300 Bedacht door: -