| - Gutter Runners are nimble and quick Skaven warriors that have survived their apprenticeship in the ranks of the Night Runners and have since occupied the second tier within the cut-throat society of Clan Eshin. They are elite skirmishers and scouts, second only to Eshin Assassins in the art of stealth and speed. Their attacks are quick and effective, frustrating their enemies as the Gutter Runners appear, attack, and vanish just as quickly in a flash of smoke or a splash of shadow.[2a] Gutter Runners have undergone extensive training in the mysterious and deadly fighting style developed in the lands of far Cathay. Because of their ability to bend and contort their pliable bodies with such inhuman speed and dexterity, Gutter Runners don't wear armor, they simply dodge the blows and missiles of their foes. In addition to hiring themselves out to perform sinister deeds for the Warlord Clans, Gutter Runners also serves on behalf of the Council of Thirteen. Across the globe, small teams of Gutter Runners spy, instigate warfare between surface dwellers or rival clans and commit acts of sabotage on behalf of their patron.It is thanks to these merciless killers that an unprecedented amount of secret knowledge flows into Skavenblight everyday, as the Council of Thirteen mulls over each report, forever seeking to stay one step ahead of their many many rivals.[1a] When these warriors are sent into an army, Gutter Runners are often used to sabotage other enemy armies long before the actual fighting begins. Night raids, arson attacks, and contaminated water supplies are all favourite covert tactics of these stealth troops. On the battlefield, Gutter Runners are tasked with the elimination of warmachines and enemy artillery, ambushing exposed positions or picking off vulnerable enemy units. The Gutter Runners use a variety of weapons and poisons to accomplish their missions, but it is their ability with the blade that makes them so formidable.[1a]