Eohippus were small, prehistoric horses who lived during the ice ages.
Eohippus also known as Dawn Horse or Hyracotherium, is the small animal that the modern horse and intermediate species derived from 60 million years ago in North America. Some stood only 14 inches tall. They had to swiftly run from Diatryma, their predator, and their descendants also evolved as prey to other animals; this is why horses today are very fast runners. Diatryma was a giant prehistoric bird. The first horse was about the size of a hare. It fed on shrubs, and leaves in the woodlands of Europe, East Asia, and North America 50 million years ago.
Eohippus were small, prehistoric horses who lived during the ice ages.
Eohippus also known as Dawn Horse or Hyracotherium, is the small animal that the modern horse and intermediate species derived from 60 million years ago in North America. Some stood only 14 inches tall. They had to swiftly run from Diatryma, their predator, and their descendants also evolved as prey to other animals; this is why horses today are very fast runners. Diatryma was a giant prehistoric bird. The first horse was about the size of a hare. It fed on shrubs, and leaves in the woodlands of Europe, East Asia, and North America 50 million years ago.