| - Virtus equipment is a set of high level Magic equipment that requires 80 Magic, 80 Defence and 80 Hitpoints to wear. Virtus armour pieces can be obtained as rare drops from Nex, the boss of the Zarosian stronghold of the God Wars Dungeon, the Ancient Prison. It is the Magic companion armour set to Torva equipment and Pernix equipment, which are Melee and Ranged sets, respectively. Virtus Equipment is degradable and can be repaired by using the pieces on the Weird Old Man
- As tier 80 equipment, Virtus armour is currently the fourth highest-level Magic armour in the game (behind seasinger's, tectonic, and Primeval equipment), and the second-best Magic power armour. The Virtus wand and book are also tier 80, on par with the similarly dual-wielded Attuned crystal wand and Attuned crystal orb. The two-handed chaotic staff and attuned crystal staff are also of the same tier.
- Virtus equipment is op dit moment de op één na sterkste magic uitrusting in het spel. Enkel Sea singer's robes zijn nog sterker. Bovendien is Virtus equipment "power armour": het geeft 10% bonus bij de magic schade die je toebrengt als je de hele set draagt. Elk onderdeel geeft ook een eigen, maar kleinere bonus. De defensieve bonussen zijn echter lager vergeleken met tank armour. Sea singer's robes is level 85 tank armour en zal dus behoorlijk sterkere defensieve bonussen hebben dan virtus equipment.
- As tier 80 equipment, Virtus armour is currently the fifth highest-level Magic armour in the game (behind seasinger's, Refined Anima Core of Seren, tectonic, and Primeval equipment), and the third-best Magic power armour. The Virtus wand and book are also tier 80, on par with the similarly dual-wielded Attuned crystal wand and Attuned crystal orb. The two-handed chaotic staff and attuned crystal staff are also of the same tier.