| - WoW Radio (also known as WCRadio and Warcraft Radio) was an independent group of players that have come together to produce and promote live radio shoutcasts that air throughout the week. The shows were about 80% talk and 20% music, with most of the music being split between preshows and the royalty free music played when there is no show or archive playing on the stream. Their existence and exhibitions were acknowledged and approved by Blizzard, and has been featured on the old Official Website more than ten times, that being the official website of the WoW Community. WoW Radio was even let in to BlizzCon and sent out the only live audio feed covering everything on the show floor. The station began as one show, Saturday Nights with Athalus, on October 11th, 2004. Athalus left the station on the March 18th, 2006 after his final goodbye show. The station was then owned by Eriyanna and TotalBiscuit. On January 3rd, 2010 the station announced that they would be broadcasting their final show in the following month. Individual hosts would move onto their own websites, or in groups. Totalbiscuit had since created his own website called The Cynical Brit. "The Donut Shop", "MaxSpeed", "Essence of RP", "But Wait! There’s Lore!" and more was moved to "Original Media for Gamers", or "OMFG". "Octale and Hordak" have created Versus the World Productions, or VtW Productions. Duncor, Speedy40, and Railvas moved to a site they co-founded, Just Cool Enough. Which is now partnered with Alpha Geek Radio, founded by members of WoWRadio's Casual Hardcore. On January 31, 2010 WoW Radio ended its 5 year live broadcasting with a send off by TotalBiscuit and Athalus the 2 owners during the stations run. The host of the shows have split into 3 new networks. TotalBiscuit, and his Gaming the System co-host, SWAG, have gone to TotalBiscuit's new site with Blue Plz and The Game Station , later to be hosted by Polaris named The Co-Optional Podcast. Gnomewise has created Alpha Geek Radio - an association of independent Internet Radio hosts and Podcasters, dedicated to advancing the cause of Geek Culture. - Octale, Hordak, Docdead, and Natural20, had joined together to create Versus The World(VTW) Productions. (With the exception of Docdead, who is still broadcasting for Show X, the other hosts have moved on to other projects). — Duncor, Railvas, and Speedyf40 have come together to create Justcoolenough (JCE). ----http://www.justcoolenough.com The rest of the shows from WoW Radio, including The Donut Shop (previously known as Happy Hour Tavern), MaxSpeed, But Wait! There's Lore!, and Essence of RP, along with a few old hosts, including Slanik, Turpster, Leto, The Donut Boys, Speedyf40, and WoW Radio founder, Athalus, and new hosts had created OMFG. (OMFG, as a podcast and livecast station including all shows under the OMFG label, has ceased to exist. Instead, the URL redirects browsers to the omfgBlondie Youtube channel). — The Emperor's Court initially joined the above hosts to OMFG, eventually moving to VTW Productions before finally moving to RivalCast Media[1] until the show's hiatus in 2014. In Nov 2015 TEC returns to the airwaves, now hosted on Alpha Geek Radio. TotalBiscuit, after moving to his new channel CynicalBrit to Youtube, now does regular series' including his renowned shows called 'WTF Is...?', 'Content Patch' and his Hearthstone commentaries.