| - The Triple Changers are a sub-group of Transformers who have one robot mode and two alternate modes. Though there are countless Transformers with three modes, only a small number of them have been officially designated as "Triple Changers," beginning with the Triple Changers subgroup proper in 1986 and continuing with specific individuals thus marked in the years following. On the MUX, "Triple Change" is a specific technology that not only includes three *distinct* modes (Transformers like the Omnibots and Tracks, with "2 and a half" modes are called Double Changers), but also the ability to transform more rapidly between them than most Transformers, almost as fast as Jumpstarters.
- Triple Changers are robots who transform into two distinct alternate modes at the same time. They can travel by land, sea and air with equal ease, and in a heat of battle, they can rapidly change form to confuse and outflank the enemy. The Foldabots and Lutabots mainly uses them for combat.