| - Creating an original character is hard work. First you have to come up with a decent Backstory and personality. Then you have to go and put them in these really tedious plots and situations where they have to, you know, interact with people and do things. More of a hassle than it's worth, really. So many people are doing the same thing all the time. How do you make a character really stand out? What if it turns out that the character was responsible for a major well-known incident? Enter The Gump. While in many cases an original and often very well-written character in their own right, this character simply cannot get around the fact that a good chunk of his screen time is being the driving force behind major events that have already been written or described by others. In effect, he is made more interesting by association due to having "guest starred" in a suitably major event. Just like anything else, it depends on the strength of the writing. If done well, The Gump can be a brilliant twist on an old historical event or previous plot. If not, then he can be a leech who drains strength of character for himself at the expense of the host event. Not to be confused with flying furniture of the same name from The Marvelous Land of Oz and Return to Oz, nor the elf in Legend. Almost always the source of a Historical In-Joke. See Seemingly-Profound Fool, Mistaken for Special Guest. When done poorly or overbearingly, can be a sign of a Canon Sue. Contrast Beethoven Was an Alien Spy where they simply use the real person. Examples of The Gump include: