| - Kirik Kipaa was a male Centurion of the Order of Keltrayu. He served for at least a decade before the Tribulation began. During the wars that made up that period, Kipaa became one of thirteen Centurions who deserted the Order and fled into anonymity in the Golden Empire. After a long debate among Rin, Kaartinen, Tariun Sakaros, and several leading members of the Order, Kipaa was allowed interment in Keltrayu's Tomb. The description of his death, as opposed to the usual "Killed in Battle" or "Killed in the Line of Duty", read simply, "Died with Honor".
| - Kirik Kipaa was a male Centurion of the Order of Keltrayu. He served for at least a decade before the Tribulation began. During the wars that made up that period, Kipaa became one of thirteen Centurions who deserted the Order and fled into anonymity in the Golden Empire. His desertion always haunted him, the guilt at having betrayed his oath and left his siblings to fight without him nagging him. When the Vagaari War was finally concluded, Rin Sakaros commanded Vem and Rajj-Yo to hunt down and kill the thirteen deserters. Sensing the danger and the deaths of some of his fellow deserters, Kipaa realized he was going to die either way, and sought to at least die with a clear conscience. Journeying to the Sith Star, he voluntarily surrendered to the Empire and requested an audience with Rin. While Eskol Kaartinen felt this was inappropriate, Rin overruled him and received Kipaa in her command room. She made no secret of how disappointed and ashamed she was, but she could sense Kipaa's genuine remorse, and was favorably impressed by the fact that he did not ask for his life or any mercy, but only to make what amends he could. Rin allowed him to take poison—considered an honorable alternative to execution—and he committed suicide in 143 ABY. After a long debate among Rin, Kaartinen, Tariun Sakaros, and several leading members of the Order, Kipaa was allowed interment in Keltrayu's Tomb. The description of his death, as opposed to the usual "Killed in Battle" or "Killed in the Line of Duty", read simply, "Died with Honor".