During the Super Galactic War, the Capture of Dantooine, also known as the Fall of Dantooine or the Battle of Dantooine, was the Republic invasion of Dantooine, executed from 10 May 240 ABY. The battle consisted of two main operations. In the first, Case Yellow, Republic armored units pushed through the Khoonda, to cut off and surround the Allied units. The Mandalorian Expeditionary Force (MEF) and many Dantooine soldiers were however evacuated from Dantooine in Operation Dynamite. In the second operation, Case Red, executed from 5 June, Republic forces attacked the larger territory of Dantooine. The Dantooine government fled to Shen, and Matale was occupied on 14 June. After the Dantooine Second Army Group surrendered on 22 June, Dantooine capitulated on 25 June. For the Axis, the campaig
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| - During the Super Galactic War, the Capture of Dantooine, also known as the Fall of Dantooine or the Battle of Dantooine, was the Republic invasion of Dantooine, executed from 10 May 240 ABY. The battle consisted of two main operations. In the first, Case Yellow, Republic armored units pushed through the Khoonda, to cut off and surround the Allied units. The Mandalorian Expeditionary Force (MEF) and many Dantooine soldiers were however evacuated from Dantooine in Operation Dynamite. In the second operation, Case Red, executed from 5 June, Republic forces attacked the larger territory of Dantooine. The Dantooine government fled to Shen, and Matale was occupied on 14 June. After the Dantooine Second Army Group surrendered on 22 June, Dantooine capitulated on 25 June. For the Axis, the campaig
| - *Dantooine
- *Killistian Republic
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| - *360,000 dead or wounded
*1,900,000 captured
*2,000 aircraft lost
*5,100 tanks lost
*753 tanks
- *27,074 dead
*110,034 wounded
*18,384 missing
*1,236 aircraft lost
*323 damaged
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| - *Gregor Killist
- *Mandalore the Inspirational
| - Dantooine conquered by the Killistian Republic.
| - *13,974 guns
*3,384 tanks
*2,935 aircraft
*2,862,000 troops
- *7,378 guns
*2,445 tanks
*5,638 aircraft
*3,350,000 troops
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| - During the Super Galactic War, the Capture of Dantooine, also known as the Fall of Dantooine or the Battle of Dantooine, was the Republic invasion of Dantooine, executed from 10 May 240 ABY. The battle consisted of two main operations. In the first, Case Yellow, Republic armored units pushed through the Khoonda, to cut off and surround the Allied units. The Mandalorian Expeditionary Force (MEF) and many Dantooine soldiers were however evacuated from Dantooine in Operation Dynamite. In the second operation, Case Red, executed from 5 June, Republic forces attacked the larger territory of Dantooine. The Dantooine government fled to Shen, and Matale was occupied on 14 June. After the Dantooine Second Army Group surrendered on 22 June, Dantooine capitulated on 25 June. For the Axis, the campaign was a spectacular victory. Dantooine remained under Republic occupation until after the Allied landings in 244 ABY.
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