| - Edward Shield is asleep on the USS Admonitor when it suddenly goes to red alert. Getting dressed, he runs to the Bridge and asks for a report on the situation. He sees that Manfred Wess, the helmsman, is not at his post. When he asks why this is, Jenkins states that he was the one who activated the red alert before running off to the transporter. Shield double-times it to the transporter to find Wess staring ashen-face at a dead body on the transporter pad. Looking, Shield sees that it is a male crewman from the Enterprise-C. Shield orders a stand-down from red alert and says that he will speak to Lianna Young about this. He returns to the Bridge and demands from Young to know why one of his crewmen have been killed on her watch. She says that he had been insubordinate, and that she always punishes insubordination among maggots by beaming them out into space. Shield states that he has not killed any of her crew, and she shouldn't kill any of his crew. She then retorts by saying that perhaps because he never implemented capital punishment is the reason he has a mutiny. She then asks permission to beam the mutineers into space: Shield states that, regardless of their mutinous behavior, he will not kill them until they have been officially tried. Young says that by then, it might be too late. As an argument begins to brew among the two captains, regarding disciplinary actions, three Klingon Birds-of-Prey decloak. One identifies itself as the IKS Gr'oth, whose captain, Dahar Master Koloth demands that the USS Admonitor and the USS Enterprise-C lower its shields and prepare to be boarded or that it will be destroyed.