| - Sonic races to Old Megaopolis, Power Ring in hand, with Tails in the Tornado at his side. Minutes ago at Castle Acorn, Sally suggested that taking a Power Ring would allow him to reach the city before Dr. Eggman could launch his nuclear warheads at Knothole and Station Square. King Acorn explained that he would send one group to rendezvous with Sonic and another to stop Eggman's minions from destroying Robotropolis' force field. High above Knothole, Bunnie, Antoine, Espio, Fiona, Geoffrey, and Hershey fly the Freedom Fighter Special Mk 2 into the upper atmosphere. Rotor explains via video call that the ship will allow them to use the gravitational pull of Mobius to arrive at Old Megaopolis in just half an hour. Meanwhile, just outside of Robotropolis at Fort Acorn, General D'Coolette spots Eggman's SWATbots on the horizon and prepares his soldiers for battle. Knuckles, Julie-Su, Amy, Vector, and Mighty arrive to help the general defend Robotropolis. Back at Castle Acorn, Sir Charles reports that the citizens of Knothole have been moved to fallout shelters. The king then orders that Sonic's family join his own in the royal bunker, but Sally, Queen Alicia, Bernie, Jules, and Charles refuse to leave without him. King Max asks Station Square's President if he's begun his own evacuation. The President explains that, for fear of a mass panic, Station Square's citizens haven't been told about the nuclear threat. Putting their differences aside, the king explains how he plans to counter Operation: Triple Threat while the President promises that his own government will aid them. Commander Hugo Brass of G.U.N. speaks with the President in his office, insisting that he reconsider leaving the situation to the Mobians. The President refuses to reconsider taking direct action until Eggman's missiles are en route. He asks Brass if G.U.N.'s commando unit is mobile, revealing that he's sent Rouge the Bat to aid the troops. At Old Megaopolis harbor, Dr. Eggman asks A.D.A.M. to begin the countdown when Sonic and Tails arrive on the Tornado, ready to fight.