| - Jim Henson's Doozers is a computer animated television series featuring the Doozers of Fraggle Rock. Starring four young Doozers (Spike, Mollybolt, Flex and Daisy Wheel), the series takes place in Doozer Creek, a self-sustainable community located just beyond the view of humans. The series focuses on cooperation, teamwork, inventing, technology, and . The series premiered in the United States exclusively on Hulu on April 25, 2014. Season 2 of The Doozers is being produced between June 12, 2017 and March 12, 2018.
| - Jim Henson's Doozers is a computer animated television series featuring the Doozers of Fraggle Rock. Starring four young Doozers (Spike, Mollybolt, Flex and Daisy Wheel), the series takes place in Doozer Creek, a self-sustainable community located just beyond the view of humans. The series focuses on cooperation, teamwork, inventing, technology, and . The show premiered in Australia on October 7, 2013, with new episodes airing weekdays at 9AM on Nick Jr via Australia's subscription television service, Foxtel. The Doozers debuted in various territories across Europe (including the UK), the Middle East, and Africa via Turner's preschool channel Cartoonito in October 2013. It is also planned to make its way to Discovery Kids Latin America and Cartoon Network Asia. A German dub premiered on December 13, 2013, on pay-TV channel Boomerang. The series premiered in the United States exclusively on Hulu on April 25, 2014. Season 2 of The Doozers is being produced between June 12, 2017 and March 12, 2018.