| - SaberLeomon first appeared when he rescued Mimi, Palmon, Joe, and Gomamon from MetalEtemon. When MetalEtemon showed up, Leomon then Digivolved to SaberLeomon once again to battle MetalEtemon. SaberLeomon took a fatal attack from MetalEtemon when he saved Mimi. With his remaining strength, SaberLeomon killed MetalEtemon by impaling his chest, and reverted back to Leomon before he died.
- SaberLeomon is an Ancient Animal Digimon whose name and design are derived from the Smilodon (Smilodon californicus), colloquially known as the saber-toothed lion or tiger. It is said to possess the ability for Mach speed. However, the details are shrouded in mystery, though according to one theory it is a Leomon who was changed into the shape of a beast. With its speed it can easily dodge attacks, no matter how fast they are. Its two over-developed fangs and sharp claws possess tremendous destructive power, and it is called the ultimate Digimon.
- SaberLeomon sind Urtier Digimon, die einen Säbelzahntiger darstellen. Sie sind sehr mysteriöse und legendäre Digimon, die vor allem für ihre extrem hohe Geschwindigkeit bekannt sind. Ihre beiden riesigen Reißzähne und ihre gewaltigen Pranken sind absolut tödliche Waffen.