| - The show premiered on May 30, 2005 and since then, it has aired for 15 seasons and 234 episodes. At the end of the show's 13th season, it was announced that it was renewed for two more seasons through season 16.
- Hell's Kitchen è un quartiere di New York, Usa.
- thumb Hell's Kitchen es un reality show gastronómico estadounidense creado por FOXy presentado por Gordon Ramsay. Cada temporada trae entre 12 a 20 aspirantes a chefs a las cocinas de Hell's Kitchen. Los chefs son divididos en dos equipos comúnmente por el género, con mujeres en el equipo rojo y los hombres en el azul, hasta que sólo cinco o seis chefs continúan en competencia, los que se unen en un solo equipo con delantales negros, aunque ahora compitiendo individualmente.
- "Hell's Kitchen" is the eighteenth episode of Season Twelve of Criminal Minds.
- Hell's Kitchen is located in the Vega Sector governed by the Terran Confederation, on the frontlines of the Kilrathi War, making all of the planets and systems within itself tempting targets for the ruthless Kilrathi Empire.
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