Wild Bill ist ein toter Pitt-Sklave aus dem Fallout 3 Add-On The Pitt. Man findet ihn im Werkshof.
Categoría:EsbozosBill el Salvaje es un esclavo muerto encontrado en la Balanza Romana de The Pitt, en el año 2277 .thumb
Wild Bill is a dead slave found in the The Pitt's steelyard in 2277.
The name Wild Bill has been used repeatedly in different continuities.
* Wild Bill (RAH)
* Wild Bill (Resolute)
* Wild Bill (Movie)
* Wild Bill (IDW)
* Wild Bill (Renegades)
His real name is William S. Hardy, and his rank is that of army chief warrant officer CW-4. Wild Bill was born in Brady, Texas. Wild Bill served as a combat infantryman and participated in LRRP operations during the Vietnam War. He reenlisted for Flight Warrant Officer School and has remained in service since, but his specialized training records are classified. Wild Bill joined the G.I. Joe Team as the pilot of the "Dragonfly" helicopter. He is a qualified expert in the M1911A auto pistoland the XM-16 attack rifle, but prefers single action .45 long colt revolvers.