| - In the default setting of the Fourth Edition, there's a grim dimension only reachable by magic and named the Shadowfell. Almost devoid of living creatures, it teems with all manner of undead, and characters who die end up there before fading away. Fine so far, it's a standard mythical "Land of the Dead". Except that every detail of the ordinary world is mirrored in the Shadowfell. Every ordinary building has a Shadowfell ruin and every port has a silted-up equivalent choked with rotting equivalents of ordinary ships. Obviously Shadowfell is not some magical dimension, but just the future after a disaster that killed everything without doing much large-scale damage. The buildings are ruined not because of mystical corruption, but because they've been sitting around for decades without maint
| - In the default setting of the Fourth Edition, there's a grim dimension only reachable by magic and named the Shadowfell. Almost devoid of living creatures, it teems with all manner of undead, and characters who die end up there before fading away. Fine so far, it's a standard mythical "Land of the Dead". Except that every detail of the ordinary world is mirrored in the Shadowfell. Every ordinary building has a Shadowfell ruin and every port has a silted-up equivalent choked with rotting equivalents of ordinary ships. Obviously Shadowfell is not some magical dimension, but just the future after a disaster that killed everything without doing much large-scale damage. The buildings are ruined not because of mystical corruption, but because they've been sitting around for decades without maintainance. Presumably the disaster was a Zombie Apocalypse, with magical side effects that keep resurrecting dead characters decades later. All the magic that takes people into the Shadowfell is actually time travel. It naturally follows that the all-wilderness dimension known as the Feywild is just the past, before the invention of agriculture.
* No, no, I think we're barking up the wrong tree. It's one of our unifying WMG's: re-read that description. Tell me this mythic "Shadowfell" world is not, in fact, Nosgoth.
* Said Apocalypse was possibly caused by Atropus. (Or its 4e version, anyway.)
* Open Grave says Atropus really does exist in 4e.
* The Shadowfell is really the Dark World of A Link to the Past's (and now the 4E default setting's) Light World. The reduced damage, increased hit points, etc. also lend themselves to 4E masquerading as a Zelda game-world. The Feywild is the Golden Land before being corrupted by Ganon.
* Aw, hell. Having only skirted around the edges of 4e, this is the first I've heard of this. Unfortunately, it mirrors exactly what is happening in the current 3.5e campaign I'm running. Damn it.
* Shadowfell is not new. It existed in previous editions as the Plane of Shadows, at least in Forgotten Realms. It hasn't really changed much at all.
* And Dolurrh in Eberron. Face it, to get a description of the Shadowfell just Ctrl+ C, Ctrl+ V the description of Dolurrh. It then follows, from the addition of action points to the core mechanics, that Eberron is actually a parasite universe, and will end up being the sole remaining setting by 10th edition (with the exception of things like Dark Sun and Spelljammer, which are clearly stages of Eberron's future). Fortuitously, this will annihilate all memory of Drizzt.
* Sounds about right. Even if Eberron doesn't completely displace the other realms, they'll probably just reintroduce spelljammer to make them all part of one 'verse, and then whatever caused the Day of Mourning will end up happening again at the same time as the latest mystra dies, and Toril and Eberron will end up merging.
* Canonically, in Forgotten Realms, Shadowfell merged with The Plane of Shadows, hence the similarities. The Plane Of Shadows originally didn't really have that many undead, at least of the traditional types. Shadows and the like, sure, but not zombies.
* But the Birthright campaign introduced the Shadow World which...did serve as a mirror of the living world populated by the undead, including a bunch of zombies.