| - thumb| Orginal Titel : Blade of the Immortal Autor & Zeichner: Hiroaki Samura Erscheinungsjahr: 1994 (in Deutschland 2002) Bände: 1 - 22 ( wird noch fortgesetzt)
- Blade of the Immortal is published by Dark Horse Comics.
- Manji is an amoral swordsman, who has been cursed with eternal life. He has grown tired of living with all the death he has created. He has no skills other than killing, thus he forms a plan to regain his morality. He has decided to kill on hundred evil men for each good on he has killed. The old witch who afflicted Maji with immortality agrees to Maji's proposition. On his journey Manji meets a young girl, Rin, who has her own vengeance to seek against a sword school who slaughtered her family. Rin and Manji journey together, each hoping to find some kind of peace in their lives that are consumed by revenge.
- Equippable by anyone with edged proficiency except for priests, this dagger's properties are:
* Damage: 2-3 Piercing
* Enchanted: +1
* THAC0: +1
* Speed: 1
* Weight: 0
- Blade of the Immortal (無限の住人, Mugen no Jūnin, lit. The Inhabitant of Infinity) is a Japanese manga series by Hiroaki Samura. The series is set in Japan during the mid-Tokugawa Shogunate period and follows the cursed samurai Manji, who has to kill 1000 evil men in order to regain his mortality. The manga was originally published in Afternoon from June 25, 1993 – December 25, 2012. A 2008 anime adaption was produced Bee Train and Production I.G. Also in 2008, the novel Blade of the Immortal: Legend of the Sword Demon was released in the United States by Dark Horse Comics.
- Blade of the Immortal is set in 18th-century Japan and is the story of a young girl named Asano Rin and Manji, her Badass bodyguard. Manji is immortal thanks to an infestation of kessen-chu, sacred worms that pervade his system and knit together any injuries he sustains. He can die only by beheading or by coming into contact with a particularly rare poison. His goal in the series is to remove the curse of his immortality, which will happen if he kills 1000 evil men in reparation for the 100 innocents he killed as an outlaw.
- Blade of the Immortal(無限の住人Mugen no Jūnin, lit. "The Inhabitant of Infinity") is a Japanese manga series by Hiroaki Samura. The series won an Excellence Prize at the 1997 Japan Media Arts Festival and the Will Eisner Comic Industry Award in 2000 for Best U.S. Edition of Foreign Material. The series is set in Japan during the mid-Tokugawa Shogunate period, beginning in the 2nd year of the Tenmei era or 1782.
- Manji is an immortal swordsman, who has been cursed with eternal life. He has grown tired of living with all the death he has created. He has no skills other than those of killing, thus he forms a plan to regain his mortality: he shall kill one hundred evil men for each good one he has killed. The old witch who afflicted Manji with immortality agrees to Manji's proposition, and Manji is set on his path to kill one thousand evil men. On his journey he meets a young girl, Rin, who has her own vengeance to seek against the sword school whose members slaughtered Rin's family. Rin and Manji journey together, each hoping to find some kind of peace. In their way are many varied enemies. Rin and Manji are almost constantly under attack and must learn to live their lives, avoiding being consumed by